Chapter 2

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"We're excepting visiters now." A doctor said.

All of our siblings stood up and the doctor looked panicked. "Family only." We all raised our eye brows at him. I heard him mumble. "Jeez... Busy parents." I snorted and he looked at me, he was the doctor that took care of me during my small... Uh... Issue. I leaned back in my wheelchair and smiled.

"Only three at a time."

"I think mom should go." Kathrine said, everyone agreed.

" Kathrine said, everyone agreed

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Mom smiled at my thirteen year old sister in appreciation. Katherine smiled back.

"I think that James should go to..." Nina said hesitantly. "They didn't really leave off on the right foot yesterday morning."


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I smiled at her and she smiled back. Everyone agreed and then they said to go from youngest to oldest on the other one because me and mom would be staying in the hospital. Heather came in first. I sat her on my lap as we wheeled into the halls and toward Rose's room. The doctor's said she was lucky and that she was only unconcious from shock.

Thank God.

I went into the room and I saw Rose's eyes widen when she saw my wheel chair, but I set Heather down and she talked about her day at school and then how Katherine dropped by to pick her up and they walked all the way here. Then she started talking about random things until Katherine walked in. I set Heather on my lap and took her back to the others. I wrote on my board.

'another person can go. I think I'm going to head home'

They nodded hesitantly.

"Can I come too?" Heather asked.

I smiled at her and nodded, she snuggled into my lap and took out my I pod and headphones from my pocket, she put one bud in my ear then another in her ear. We listened to Justin Bieber and Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. Heather is the only reason these people exist in my life or even on my I pod.

We just listened to the music as I rolled her home. I'm not even sure if I was allowed to leave... But whatever. And an old lady just pointed me out to her husband.... Oh look they took our picture. We got to my house and the only thought on my mind was.

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