Chapter 17

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'a date?'

"Yea, just you and me, around town. It'll be fun." William smiled, holding my hand in his.

There was slight hesitation but I managed to write something down, 'ok'

He smiled. "Great, let's go now."

'Wha? Now??'

"Yes, I already asked Misuzu and he said it's important to take a refreshing day off." he turned around, walking toward the door and dragging me with him.

This is going to be great.... I hope.

"Where are you two going?" the twins stopped us.

"I'm taking him on a well needed date, not that you need to know." William stopped walking, looking at the twins.

"Hmph snarky boyfriend you got there, James." Hikaru rolled his eyes.

"Yea, a real keeper." Kaoru said sarcastically before the two of them walked away.

I sighed, shaking my head. What's their problem? They're acting like children. Honestly they act as if-

"Let's go James."

"Hm?" I looked at William then nodded.

William sighed then smiled slightly. "Come on."



He chuckled. "What?"

I held up the cute stuffed otter, shaking it up and down.

"You want it?" he smiled.

I shrugged, hugging the otter to my chest. He laughed softly, pulling out some money and paying for the otter. I kissed his cheek as a thank you before grabbing his hand and dragging him toward the ice cream shop I had seen.

"We're getting ice cream? But we've eaten so much already."

I gave him a look.

"Okay. Fine. Ice cream." he rolled his eyes with a quiet laugh.

I grinned. 'love ya'

"Love you too." we stopped in front of the ice cream shop.

'just get one, I won't be able to finish it all'

He nodded, doing as told. I held onto my otter with a smile. William turned around with the ice cream and smiled gently, staring at me.


"Nothing, you're just cute."

Heat spread across my face as I looked away.

"Gross." I heard Hikaru's voice.

I sighed and turned around to see him with Haruhi.

'Haruhi you look like a girl!'

"Wow, James, thanks." she said sarcastically.

I smiled and winked.

"What are you guys up to?" William asked, putting an arm around my waist.

"We're on a date." Hikaru said blutly.

I looked at Haruhi in surprise. 'really?'

She shrugged. "Kaoru asked but he's sick so Hikaru is taking me out for him."

I laughed even though I felt this kind of pull in my chest, not the normal heart issues... It was something different, and I didn't like it. William tugged me out of the way of the ice cream shop.

"You guys should try the ice cream, it's great." William said.

I looked at him with the best offended look I could manage. 'you started eating the ice cream without me?'

He laughed. "Here." he held the ice cream to my mouth.

I smiled, taking a bite.

"Okay, you guys are cute and all but it's disgusting." Hikaru grumbled.

I sighed and William laughed. "You two have fun, we're going back to the pension in a bit."

'we are?'

"Yes, because you need to take your medications and you left them at the pension."

I groaned.

"Mhm. I don't want you in a hospital anytime soon so yes, you are taking your medication." he guided me away.

'can we spend a little more time out?'

He sighed, licking some ice cream. "Fine."

I smiled brightly, leading him around to other shops and places. We ended up going to the pension way later than expected and we only did because it started to sprinkle lightly and there's supposed to be a big storm. We got to the pension and stood around with the host club.

I wasn't really paying attention but I suddenly heard Tamaki yelling.

"Listen! She's terrified of thunder!" he's talking about Haruhi... "So you better go out there and find her, Hikaru! Why would you leave her alone!"

My eyes widened. 'he left her alone! In this weather??'

William nodded. "Don't do anything stu-" I ran out the door. "James!" He shouted after me, I ran out into the rain and ran around, looking for Haruhi or Hikaru, one of them... Any of them.

I started to get out of breath, my chest hurt... But I'm not giving up. I kept running, looking around. Finally, I couldn't run anymore and I walked aimlessly around, my breathing heavy and my heart pounding quickly in my chest.

I turned a corner and collapsed, I looked at the sky, before closing my eyes and feeling the rain hit my face. Oh God... I shouldn't have done this...

Finally, my heart slowing down painfully, the cold rain soaking through my skin, I was greeted with darkness.

~Third person, with the host club~

William tapped his foot anxiously, continually looking at the door. "Call Hiakru, ask him if he's seen James."

Tamaki shook his head. "He said he would text us if he did, he's trying to help Haruhi right now though."

William scoffed. "I'm going to look for him myself then. " He stood up, grabbing his coat.

"I'll go with you." Kaoru said, grabbing an umbrella.

William nodded, walking out and Kaoru followed after him. They looked around, they felt like they looked everywhere.

"He couldn't have gone far." William mumbled.

"He could if he was running." Kaoru looked at him with worry in his eyes.

William shook his head. "He is such an idiot."

"That, I can agree on." Kaoru continued looking around. "He's a loveable idiot though."

William looked at him with a conflicted gaze before looking out again. "Where is he?"

"James..." Kaoru mumbled.

The two continued looking through the rain, hoping to find him before it was too late.

A/N omfg guys in so sorry I had super writers block for the longest, I even re-read this entire story three times, anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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