Chapter 21

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William's POV
(A/N I feel like you guys don't like William as much as I want you to, I feel like I made him seem like a major cock block😂😅)

I left the hospital with a sigh, deciding to go do that school project i was assigned.

"Those stupid twins." I muttered once I got in my limo. "He's my boyfriend, not theirs. I should be the one staying in his hospital room, sleeping in the same bed as him. This isn't fair..!" I whined.

"Of course sir." The driver replied.

"I wasn't talking to you." I huffed childishly and the driver snickered quietly as he started to drive.

"Where are we off to?"

"Uh... (addresssss). I have a school project to do." I started to text my project partner, I can't remember his name, he's just listed under 'guy in english' in my contacts.

"What kind of project?"


"Ah you're learning English?"


"My mom schooled me... what's school like?"

"Boring. Stressful. Stupid. And an inconvenience."

"I see."

The rest of the ride was silent as I continued to text. After a long while the limo stopped in front of a large, beautiful traditional house.

"We're here."

"Wow...." I looked at the house, getting out.

"What time should I come to get you?" My driver called out the window.

"I'll text you when I need you to come." I walked up to the entrance and rang the doorbell.

What is his name...? Ughhh... I'll figure it out.

The door opened to reveal a girl. She goes to the host club. One of Honey's girls. What's she doing here?

"A- ah. You're W- william right?"

I nodded.

"I'm M-Mai." She stuttered, opening the door wider to let me in.

"Nice to meet you." I muttered, looking around, the inside was traditional too.

"I- I'all go get m-my brother..." she walked away quickly.

I closed the door behind me and looked around as I slipped off my shoes.

"Hey." My partner came down.

I looked up at him and waved slightly with a small smile. "What's up?"

"Our project. We should probably start since it's due in two days and she gave us a month to do it."

"Yeah... sorry... I've been busy."

"Yea I bet." He started leading me toward I guess his room or something. "Singing idol and hospitalized boyfriend, you've got a lot going on."

I looked at him.

"How do you know about James??"

"When he was a host, my sister was one of his customers. In all honesty, he was a sucky host." The guy chuckled.

"How would you know that?"

" sister."

"You hesitated."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"...this is my room." He slid open a door to reveal a  dark room, dimly lit with candles and creepy dolls and stuff here and there, books and scattered paper everywhere, there was salt lining the room, paper hanging from the ceiling, markings on the ground. "It's a mess." He flicked on the lights and started picking up the books and papers, setting them in a messing pile and then blowing out all the candles.

I sat on his bed as he fumbled around his room. I smiled slightly, amused.

"What's your name again?" I asked finally.

He stared for a moment. "...Daisuke."

Where have I heard his name... in class? Yea.... where else- this is the guy James kissed??? Well I can't blame him now that I met the guy, he's cute, nice, dorky. But he's still competition.

" kissed my boyfriend."

"H-he kissed me."

"You wanted him to."

"Yea... but not the way he did it... he was just trying to shut me up."

"You said you didn't like him anymore, right?"

"Th-that was a lie... I just wanted to see if he actually liked me because if he did he would have fought for me... th-this was b-before I found out he had a boyfriend." He stuttered, blushing.

I laughed. "Cute. Now let's finish up this project."

He nodded, still blushing.

James POV

I woke up to the smell of cake and went I opened my eyes, Honey's face was right in front of me. I yelped slightly, jumping and we ended up with our lips touching for like twenty seconds straight before the two of us went beet red and Honey was pulled off of me by Mori and I was left in my embarrassment as they went out in the hall to calm Honey down and tell him not to be so close to people when they were sleeping.

I calmed myself down before they came back in and smiled at them brightly.

"Sorry for sitting so close to you." Honey turned a light shade of pink.

I nodded.

"Anyway!" Honey smiled brightly. "I brought cake!~" Mori handed us a platter of different types of cakes.

At first we ate silently, it was weird... Honey being quiet and all.

"James... what are the doctors gonna do to fix your heart?" He asked finally.

I smiled softly. Then started to write, 'they put me on the transplant list, I've been on it for a while, the one for me just hasn't come up yet.'

"...oh." He picked at his cake.

'Don't let it get to you, I'm sure one will pop up' I smiled at him.

He nodded, shoving the rest of his cake into his mouth glumly. I laughed softly which seemed to brighten his mood and he handed me another piece of cake. I shook my head and pat my tummy, showing him I was full.

Mori ruffles my hair before looking and Honey. "C'mon."

Honey nodded. "I'll see you later, James!~" he crawled off the hospital bed and they left.

They don't usually stay for long, just a little before they had to leave again. I sighed softly and laid down, then the nurse came in, along with my doctor. I sat up, knowing something serious was about to come up.


Well.... i updated, its a sucky update..... but it's something? They'll get better, Promise.

And I tried to make Will seem like less of an A-hole and I think I made him sound like more of an A-hole... idk. Did I?

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