Warning: Hecate HATES Giving Prophecies

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Long-ish Lou Ellen POV, YAY! And yes, this book WILL contain Loucil/Cecellen. I discovered it on tumblr and became a little obsessed.

    Lou Ellen was Bored with a capital B. She was lying in a bed in the infirmary, staring at the ceiling above her, trying to fall asleep. The steady breathing of the other patients were the only noise in the entire room.

    She had earned her time in there after she had branched away from Will and Nico during the battle with Gaea. The situation she stupidly got herself into was quite embarrassing, and it resulted with her getting a sprained ankle, a gash on her upper arm, and a giant bruise on her forehead. It wasn't too bad, considering some of the other camper's injuries, but it was enough to earn her a few nights in the infirmary while the ambrosia worked. Luckily she would be out of the infirmary tomorrow.

    Lou Ellen had a headache. She got them often, and while taking Advil and drinking water helped a little, the headaches would only go away over time. The headache was keeping Lou Ellen up, the dull pounding stubbornly refusing to subside. Usually she could sleep through them, but her giant bruise on her head was throbbing as well, making it seem twice as bad.

    Lou Ellen had taken sleeping pills (that she had stolen from the medicine cabinet) shortly before. She hoped it would take effect soon, because according to her watch, it was 2:56 am.

    Eventually, she must've fallen asleep, because a few minutes after, Lou Ellen was standing at a forked road. She stared in confusion for a moment, out of all things horrible places her dreams could take place, why a road?

    Suddenly, something shimmered and appeared in front of Lou. It was a woman. Lou Ellen felt like she should know her. The woman looked familiar, like an old acquaintance that Lou had long forgotten about.

    Lou Ellen studied the woman's thin nose, her large, colorless lips, and her dark hair.

    Lou gasped, realizing who it was.

    "Hecate," she said slowly and quietly. "My... Mother."

    "Yes, child," Hecate replied. Her face was expressionless, and her completely black eyes showed no emotion. It made Lou Ellen fell uneasy, was she supposed to salute? Bow? Fall to her knees and beg for mercy? Each God had their  own preference.

    "Listen," Hecate demanded, "I have to tell you something, and I don't have long. Morpheus, God of dreams, and Hermes, have grudgingly lent me time to send you and some others a message. Doing so drains me of my energy and power, I hope I have enough time to fully deliver he message."

    "Well then tell me!" Lou Ellen said, and then realized how disrespectful it could sound to a goddess, or any living being, in that case.

   Hecate narrowed her dark eyes, "You've always been different from my other children, you know." Lou Ellen grunted, she already knew that. It was pretty obvious, actually. Lou Ellen was a lot more... Outrageous (at least around her friends)- to put it nicely- than her other cabin mates.

    "Anyway," the goddess carried on, "I have a quest for you."

    That got Lou's attention. "A quest?" She had always wanted a quest, like many campers did. Spending so much time learning how to fight monsters and never being able to use the skill really made demigods frustrated.
Especially those with a powerful aura, who had to stay at camp year-round instead of just for the summer. Luckily, Lou Ellen was not one of those with a strong aura that attracted monsters, so de was able to see her family and go to school.

    "A quest," Hecate confirmed. Lou Ellen opened her mouth to answer, but Hecate silenced her. "Before you go accepting or denying your offer, please hear some of the details." Lou nodded, crossed her arms, and tapped her foot.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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