Chapter 13

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This chapter is rated R


I spread mayonnaise on the bread, putting turkey and muenster cheese on it. I put two sandwiches in separate Ziploc bags. Tyler is upstairs bathing the kids and I'm making their lunches. I've already set out their clothes for tomorrow and put all their new clothes in their drawers.

I get out two peaches rinsing them, cutting them in half, removing the core. I cut them up into small pieces, and then I put them in small containers, along with strawberries. I give them animal crackers in a bag, and I put small water bottles in the lunchbox. I put the lunchboxes in the fridge, and then I fill the blue and pink water bottles. I put them in the fridge, and then I clean up from making their lunch, setting their backpacks on the counter. It's 7:36.

I make my way upstairs, wandering into our bedroom. The door is open in the bathroom. I go in there, and Tyler is sitting, giving them a bath.

I venture in, sitting down with him.

"Hi Momma." Emily says. "Are you and Daddy okay?"

"Daddy and I are great." I smile. "Don't worry about us, okay?"

She nods.


Tyler puts his left hand on my thigh. I help him wash the kids.

"I don't want to go to school." Emily mumbles.

"Hey," Tyler begins. "You know, I went to the same school that you're going to tomorrow! Isn't that cool?"

"You did?" Emily's eyes brighten.

"Yeah, I did. It's fun."

"What about my school?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah, I went there too. I was little. I was as young as you guys are." He smiles.

"Really?" Emily asks.

"Yeah." He smiles.

We originally planned for him to go into the kindergarten program at Belvedere Elementary School where Emily is going because it's only nine minutes from the house, but they got rid of the preschool program, so now he's going to My First Steps Kindergarten, which is five minutes from the elementary school, fourteen minutes from the house.

For Emily, school starts at 8:30 but they open the gates at 8:10. For Ethan, school starts at eight, but he gets out at noon and Emily gets out at 2:30.

So around 7:50, we'll drop Ethan off at school. I'm walking him to his class. For Emily, we'll take her from Ethan's school to her school and we'll wait outside the class with her.

At least tomorrow. After that, we'll drop her off in the car circle directly outside of her class and she'll sit in line at her class.

We finish bathing the kids and let them play for a few minutes, and then we get them out.

"I want to wear my pajamas, Mommy." Emily whispers.

"Okay." I say. I wrap her in a towel and walk with her into her bedroom.

I get her panties, pink pajama pants, and a pink tank top. I let her dress herself, and I brush her hair, and then I turn on her nightlight.

"Momma, the sun isn't even gone." She whines.

I know." I kiss her forehead, pulling her comforter back. She crawls into bed. I give her the baby blanket, tucking her in. I turn on her nightlight, and I read her a story.

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