Chapter 14

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I moan loudly, grabbing the first thing I can, a pillow, covering my ears.

"Shut if off!" I moan.

I feel Tyler reach over me, slamming his hand down on the button.

We lay in silence for a moment.

Today is the day.

I shove the pillow off my face, sitting up.

I'm still completely naked. Our sex last night was so powerful. So passionate. He shifts in bed.

"What time is it?" he mutters.

"Six forty-" I look at the clock. "Six." I mutter.

He sits up, rubbing his eyes.

"I'll start breakfast." He mutters, rubbing his face. he stands up, opening the door.

"Uh, babe?" I mumble, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Yeah?" he asks.

"Maybe put on some pants?" I ask.

He looks down at his bare body, nodding, half awake, he throws on sweatpants.

He wanders downstairs.

I get up, pulling a beige pushup bra on, a red thong, a pair of black skintight skinny jeans, and a white long sleeve shirt. It goes to the middle of my forearms. The sleeves are maroon. I go pee and wash my hands and brush my teeth, and then I brush my hair, leaving it down. I decide to go with my glasses today, so I put on makeup and put on my big black rimmed glasses. I put on maroon vans with no socks, and I go into Emily's room.

I brush my fingers through her hair. She's so precious, sleeping on her side, clutching her blanket to her chest.

"Em?" I say gently. "Emily honey, wake up. It's time for school."

She opens her eyes, looking confused for a second. She turns her head, and her eyes land on me. I smile. She yawns, stretching.

I smile. She's so cute.

She lays there for a second more, groggy.

"When I come back, you need to be out of bed." I kiss her forehead and stand up, walking out of her room, across the hall. I sit down next to Ethan's bed, brushing her hair ut of his face.

"Ethan? Sweetheart, you have to get up. It's time for school."

He rolls over.

"No Momma."

"Ethan." I say calmly. "When you get back, you need to be out of bed."

I exit his room, and I slip into Declan's.

He's sleeping peacefully, his face facing the door. He's not in the blankets. He's holding his baby blanket.

I walk over to him, brushing my fingers through his hair.

"Declan? Sweetheart, you have to get up."

He stirs in his sleep, rolling over.

"Declan, honey?"

He rolls onto his back, slowly opening his eyes.

He looks around the room, yawning.

"Morning Momma." He says.

"Good morning honey. When I come back, I want you out of bed, okay?"

"Okay." He says.

I kiss his forehead and walk out.

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