Chapter 35

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        It's a dark storming night with the rain pouring down hard. Of course, I decided to go for a walk earlier before the weather decided to literally shit down on me. I push my wet, green hair out of my face and continue along the sidewalk. It's almost pitch black if it's wasn't for the street lamps, but this rain is like a fucking wall!
        I jump as another crash of thunder rumbles and shakes the ground, lightning flashing brightly. Here I am in the pouring rain and literally soaked to my skin. The rain is also freezing.
        I stopped wiping my glasses a long time ago. I will just be sure to follow the fucking sidewalk. This sidewalk will lead me to my house. Also, I guess it's a good thing I forgot my phone and wallet at home. I wipe my green bangs out of my face and continue to trudge along.
        Before I know it, I'm falling face-first to meet the cold, wet concrete. Of course, I have to fall. But I notice that the sidewalk is fairly warm. Or at least the water is. I would kinda expect that from the sidewalk, but this water has a coppery scent to it. I can't see a damned thing and I happened to trip not under a street lamp.
        I curse under my breath and get up. I feel around a bit and feel a body. Before I know it, I'm plunged into complete darkness. The rain, storming, and everything goes away. I'm even dry now! I look around the best I can, but this is like being in a whole black room with the lights off in the middle of the night!
        Then a single beam shines down on a body. I couldn't tell because my eyes burned to adjust. I then see that floofy hair. It's Mark. I sigh in relief to see someone I know. But something is off.
        Mark isn't greeting me or anything, but simply staring. I squint and walk closer.
        "Mark?" I ask cautiously. "Hey, Mark."
        Mark stares at me intently. It's actually freaking me out. I furrow my brow and cock my head to the side. Mark continues to stare and only stare. I put a hand on his shoulder and he doesn't even blink or glance at my hand. I walk around him to see if I could notice anything wrong. I then notice when he moves his head literally 180°. I just about literally jump out of my skin.
        "OH FUCKING HELL!!!" I yell in a complete and utter shock. I go in front of Mark to keep him from ever doing that again. He suddenly grabs my shoulders with his strong hands and pulls me kinda close, keeping eye contact the whole way.
        "I won't kill you, Jack," he says lowly, with his deep and rumbly voice only adding the to affect. "I want to see you bleed. Your blood on my hands. I mean it."
        I can tell he isn't lying because he kept direct eye contact the entire time. Not even blinking a bit. I jerk out of his hold and take a step back in complete worry and fear. Mark keeps his eye contact, his eyes turning to a blood-red as he pulls out a knife literally from behind his back. Not just any kitchen knife either. I full out hunting dagger. At least as long as from the tips of his fingers to his elbow. He gives me a fanged smile and takes a step forward. Immediately my fight or flight instinct comes on. These thoughts go by quicker than light through my mind.
        He's bigger than you and has a huge ass knife, I thought. He could easily kill you! He's also got much more strength than you. Whether you're a werewolf or not. Run.
        I didn't wait a second time. I ran and Mark charged after me with his short legs. I'm not the flash either, so it's not like I'm that fast. Then the knife slams into a black wall I didn't see. Remember, the whole entire place is black as pitch, except for the light beam following Mark and me. I then feel where the knife is and feel the wall. I turn and run to the next and feel the wall. We're now trapped in a black-walled room. It isn't that big either. About as big as a small bedroom.
        I know. Why didn't I grab the knife? Fight or flight, man. No logic going here. Mark turns his head to me, a murderous look upon his face. My heart is beating and adrenaline pumping crazily through my veins. My fight instincts come on and I bare my teeth and let out a growl.
        What the fuck are you doing, Sean?! I thought to myself. Mark is probably ten times stronger than you! You're going to get yourself killed!
        I then flee once Mark comes charging at me, baring his knife. I run and press my back to the wall. Mark throws his knife and just barely missed my head. It was literally less than a centimeter from going through my skull. I grab the knife this time and throw it at Mark, my instincts and adrenaline still controlling me.
        Mark cries out as the knife hits home. Right in his stomach. He doubles over, one hand clutching his chest and the other propping his up. Blood spills over his bottom lip and the red leaves his eyes. He looks up at me.
        "Oh Mark," I say as adrenaline drains away and grief washed over me. "I'm sorry."
        Mark's breaths are laborious and his brown eyes look into my tearful blue ones. I slowly walk forward, my hands over my mouth. Mark's head droops a bit and he pulls the knife from his stomach. Before I'm aware of what's happening, Mark plunges the knife into my own stomach. I gasp and fall to my knees. Blood gurgles in the back of my throat and spills over my lip. Black and white colors my vision terribly until white take over.

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