Chapter 1

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Lauren POV

I ran as fast as my four legs could carry me running deeper into the forest each second that passed. My legs burned each step and leap I took forward my paws were stepping on twigs and leaves cracking beneath me. Normani, Ally, and Dinah chasing behind me it was one of those full moon nights when we all would have fun and enjoy racing through the woods at midnight. The finish line was the edge of a cliff. The cliff was high up and you could see the pacific ocean next to the beautiful state Washington. I finally reached it dodging trees left and right on the way up. Ally was second then Normani and Dinah barely tied but Normani made it by a nose. Dinah growled at dark brown wolf with light brown patches saying she won but Normani knew she lost. They both started fighting back and fourth at each other growling in between sentences.

"I won fair and square" Normani growled louder.

The grey and brown patched fur wolf then said,"no I won mani!"

Ally plopped down next to me and sighed loudly while I was standing there watching these idiots fight.

Normani yelled ,"your just being a sore loser cause you don't want to buy us all dinner tonight."

It was true the loser of the races always have to buy dinner it was only fair.

I had enough of this nonsense and barked then told them,"stop it guys lets go back and unpack everything else."

They obeyed because I'm the pack leader and no one messes with me I'm the strongest and fastest. Before we turned back to disappear into the green foggy moonlit forest we all howled at the moonlight. We always did this ever since we moved cause of the tragedy that happened not long ago. We ran back home slowly taking our time because of our tiring race we made it to our brand new house. It was an average size house in the forest we had a few neighbors down the street about three acres away. We decided it was best to have a house with not many neighbors considering we can hear better in human form about 3.5 miles away to be exact. We approached are new home that we moved in a week ago we hid behind our own separate trees with our clothes next to them in our backyard to change back into our human forms. I grabbed my underwear, bra, 1975 shirt and my pair of jeans that was at the bottom of the tree laying on some roots and put them all on. I walked up the steps with the other girls on our balcony and opened the sliding glass door to our brand new home. The house had a kitchen and a living room with two three seated couches facing a large tv. Near the front door there were stairs that lead up to our rooms the hall had 5 bedrooms and bathrooms in each room. If you walked straight to the end of the hall there was a door my room the left and right doors were either Ally's Normani's Dinah's room and a plain empty one. Lucky me my room has a little window I can sneak in and out of landing on our backyard balcony. The night was really abnormally quiet I stood in the living room and then heard a soft voice a mile or so away. I listened carefully blocking out Dinah on her phone calling pizza for the four of us cause she lost and who doesn't love a midnight snack. The girls voice was music to my ears I started to eavesdrop on what she was saying.

"Austin I'm hanging up the phone we've been talking for hours it's 2 am,
I love you goodnight."

I was in mid thought about this mystery girls voice when Ally tapped my shoulder.

"Lauren did you unpack everything in your room?"

"No I'll go do that before the pizza is delivered."

Ally nodded and sat on the couch and turned on the tv. I walked to the front of the house up the stairs and into my bare room with three duffel bags still unpacked. I unzipped one and found a picture of my family. A tear slowly fell down my cheek I missed my family so much. They were the reason why we all moved they are dead all of them even the girls family's as well. It was a horrible day a pack of wolfs hated us for no reason and threatened to kill all of our family's. Little did we know they actually were going to. We came home one night from a movie and they were all dead it was mortifying to see the ones you love lifeless on the floor in the house. I started to get really angry at the wolfs remembering that tragic painful memory. I set the picture on my night stand and quickly started to undress. I didn't want to rip my new 1975 shirt I've gone through so many having them ripped from me changing into a wolf. Once bare I unlocked my window and jumped changing into a wolf mid air. The girls heard me as I ran off into the forest once again that night. I walked slowly looking at all the nature surrounding me I loved seeing it. I came across a little puddle and looked into it the moonlight showed my reflection a tan orange colored fur wolf with a tan and white muzzle. I looked into my eyes, now even brighter emerald green eyes. That's one perk of being a wolf having your eyes brighter after you change. I heard the sound of a car driving and smelled fresh pizza I started to run home then I immediately stopped hearing the voice again more clearly since I was a wolf but It was a scream though. It terrified me I wanted to protect the girl in harm but then I heard a sigh.

The voice said,"phew it was just a dream."

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