Chapter 3

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I couldn't really sleep last night I was too busy thinking about this girl who I don't even know and I fricken imprinted on her. I never imprinted on someone ever in my life and I'm scared I don't understand it all quite yet, but hopefully in the future I do. I sighed and crawled slowly out of my warm cozy bed I grabbed my phone and checked it. The date was Sunday and the time was 10:27 I had a few tumblr notifications but I ignored it and turned the device off. I walked into my little bathroom that included a shower, a counter with a sink and of course a toilet. My bathroom was so neat but that changed in a second after I started my morning routine which included brushing my teeth, long hair and putting on some makeup nothing too fancy. I applied some concealer, eyeliner and a little mascara then I smelled something delicious and mouth watering coming from downstairs. I practically ran down the stairs at the smell of the freshly baked good. Ally made us all blueberry muffins they are always so good Ally is one of the best bakers it sucks she cant open her own bakery since she's a wolf.

"good morning sleepy head I don't think I've ever seen you run so fast down the stairs" Ally said laughing.

"I only run for food" I said in a serious tone.

Ally giggled because we both know its so true and then handed me a fresh warm blueberry muffin. I literally inhaled the toasty warm muffin in approximately under 5 seconds. I quickly grabbed another one because I heard a couple snores from the couches which meant the two idiots were missing out on the muffins. As I was eating the another one I felt so guilty about the sugary treat so I told Ally I was going for a run. I went upstairs and grabbed a sports bra, my running shoes and some athletic leggings which surprisingly I own I put them on and headed out the front door. I ran on the side of the road for a while thinking about everything mostly it was about that angels voice and how i imprinted on her which I'm still dazed that i did. All of a sudden I heard that dreamy voice again it was her and she was close so I ran faster down the road in search of the source of that mesmerizing voice.
Lucky me I don't cramp up easily from being out of shape I'm thankful for that wolf perk so much. As I was running from a distance I saw a cute little house just like our new one and a girl was outside in the front yard talking on the phone to someone I started to walk coming closer to the house. My stomach got filed with butterflies with each step I took approaching the house and the girl her back turned to me.

"Love you Austin goodbye" the girl said slightly disappointed.

She turned around and was walking to her mailbox about to grab some mail and I about died. The angel's voice looks as heavenly as she sounds. She was definitely a cute looking girl with a nice ass. The girl was wearing a skirt and a top with a bow headband in her dark brown glistening hair. She stopped what she was doing when she saw me and made eye contact with me and her dark brown stunning eyes made me melt on the inside. I suddenly felt insecure as her eyes trailed down me, but I forgot about that as soon as she spoke.

"hi I'm Camila Cabello" she said smiling cheerfully offering her hand out.

"Lauren Jauregui." I replied I took her hand and shook it smiling back.

I felt a strange unusual rush in my body from my head to my toes.

"Are you the new neighbors down the road?" She asked.


"Well welcome to this cute little town Lauren" Camila said still smiling.

"Are you in highschool?"I asked.

"Yea my last year, how about you?"

"It's my last year too, tomorrow is my first day" I said nervously.

"Oh cool well if I see you around I'll help you around the halls."

"Thanks, I got to go back to my house i was on a run then I saw you it was nice meeting you Camila see you later."

After I said that I started to turn around to walk back then I felt a warm hand on my wrist tugging me back I stopped then turned around facing her again.

"Wait some of your eyeliner is smudged let me get it for you" She offered.

Her thumb touched my skin gently and wiped it away I trembled under her touch hopefully she didn't notice.

"Thanks" I smiled blushing a little bit.

"Anytime see you around Lauren." The sweet voice said.

She grabbed the mail from her mail box and headed inside as i was turning away and started walking back to the house. I entered in the house smiling and saw the girls just chilling there.

"Why so smiley Jauregui" Normani asked loudly.

I blushed and started to dart for the stairs. Normani and Dinah tackled me while grabbing me I held on to the railing of the stairs for dear life. I was stronger then both of them but together I had no chance the railing started to crack so I let go. Wolfs are very strong in human and also wolf form. The two girls dragged me and sat me on the couch and held me down. Ally came in and started to interrogate me.

"Indeed why so smiley Jauregui we know all about you... something is up so spill."

"Nope"I said still smiling and giggled.

"Fine 5 bucks" The shorter girl offered.

"No way" I responded.

"20" she asked.

"25" I challenged.

"deal... now spill" Ally stated.

"Pay up first bitch" I smirked then laughed.

Ally went up to her room then came back with a twenty and five dollar bill and handed them to me. Normani and Dinah let go of me so I stood up grabbed the money and tried to make a bolt for it laughing. I failed Dinah Jane grabbed my ankle and I fell face first luckily I put my hands out and caught myself then I was dragged across the living room carpet.

"Okay fine.. I like this girl in our neighborhood" I admitted to them.

There was a gasp from Ally a scream from Normani and Dinah shaking me yelling "whoooooo!"

"I'll tell y'all tomorrow at school, so goodnight losers." I spoke leaving the living room.

The major excitement in the room was now gone and filled with groans and sighs at the thought of school. I went upstairs took a shower, changed my clothes, set a alarm and fell asleep dreaming of the angel Camila Cabello.

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