Jin Young Imagine (Part 4-Last)

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Days passed by so quick. You were really close to all of the members of B1A4. As usual, you and Jinyoung were still bestfriends. But you started to develop feelings for Jinyoung. But you try not to show it. You think it's just a one-sided love. But just so you think. You didn't know that Jinyoung have always liked you since childhood. He never forget that line he said to you when you were still kids. You were all so very close to each other. You sometimes go to their dorm or practice room to bring snacks for them.

One day, it was after their debut. Their company said they could take a vacation. So all of you went to a resort in Incheon. While on the the way to Incheon, all of you played a game to see if who's sharing the same room. So all of you play rock-paper-scissors. The first hotel room was Sandeul, Gongchan, and CNU. The second room was You, Jinyoung and Baro.

When you got there, you first all settled to your hotel rooms. After that, you all went sightseeing throughout the whole resort. Night went by, you all gathered and have a barbecue night. You and CNU were in-charge of cooking the meat.

Jinyoung saw you having fun with CNU, he got a bit jealous at the situation. So he thought of a plan. He went to you and CNU then started whining like a kid. "Y/N-ah~ bageopa~~ When is it going to be ready?" "Aigoo.. Just wait nae? CNU oppa.. can you please prepare the vegetables? I'll just take over here." you asked CNU. CNU nodded then prepared the veggies. "Yah!! Why'd you call CNU oppa?" Jinyoung pouted. "Wae? Can't I? He's older than I am." you just continued cooking the meat. "Hmm.. good point. But why not call me oppa too?" he whined. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Why'd you started talking with me about that? I always call you Jinyoungie since childhood." you stated. "But.. Why not call me just Jinyoung oppa? Y/N.. I need to tell you something." he said. You noticed he was serious. You then smelled something burning. You looked at to your side, and saw that the meat was starting to burn. You hurriedly got the meat and placed it in the plate. "Jinyoung-ah.. we'll talk later nae?" you said still panicking because of the barbecue. "Arraso.." Jinyoung just simply walked away.

When you finished cooking the barbecue, you all gathered around and have a fun night. An hour passed. You were all having so much fun, playing games, talking about stuff. You didn't notice Jinyoung was a bit staring to you.

About two hours passed. All the members were just sharing stories. Jinyoung suddenly stood up then went next to you. He then whispered to your ear. "Y/N.. me, you.. talk.." he had seriousness in his voice. You nodded. The both of you went to the next to the beach line. There was silence..

Then you started to broke it. "What do you wanna talk with me about Jinyoung-ah~?" you asked. Jinyoung first looked at the stars then took a deep breath. "Remember what I said to you when we were kids? The one when you were about to leave." he stated. A flashback suddenly appeared in your head.

*** Ding-dong Ding-dong.. You heard the doorbell rang while you were still in your room. "Y/N!! Jinyoung's here. Your mom called you. You came down to your room. You saw Jinyoung at the living room. "Y/N-ah~ Why are there lots of bags?" Jinyoung asked. "Jinyoungie.. me hash to go somewhere..." "Where?? Lotte World? YAY!! I'll ask my mom if I can go to.." he said happily. "Anniyo Jinyoungie.. we need to go far far away.." "Ehh?? Yah!! We promised each other to not leave nae?" he said with a sad face. "Jinyoungie.. I'll miss you so much.." you said. You were starting to cry. Jinyoung wiped away your tears then hugged you. "I like you Y/N..I promise I'll find you again and we will be together again someday..Arraso?" he whispered to your ears. He looked at your face then smiled. But tears were still seen in his face. He wiped it also. The both of you bid goodbyes with each other. *** END OF FLASHBACK

You blushed at that moment. "N-nae.. I remember.." you said while looking at the stars. "well.. I guess it came true again.." Jinyoung smiled. "I've missed you so much Y/N.. All those years without you, I feel so lonely." "Well.. I'm here now.." you said. Deep in your thoughts. ** Jinyoungie..I missed you so much too..I wish we could be more than bestfriends. **

"Y/N... I like you..." your eyes widened nut you stayed calm. You thought it was just like as friends. "I like you too Jinyoungie~ You're such a great bestfriend." you smiled at him. "Anniyo Y/N.. I like.. Like you..Actually.. I love you.." those three words, eight letters.. Your eyes widened while you were blushing. You became silent. "I l-like you too Jinyoungie.. Anni.. I love you.." you smiled while you head was down. Jinyoung's eyes widened. His smile was so big. His eyes glistened. "J-jinjja? I REALLY LOVE YOU Y/N!! I REALLY DO!!" he shouted. Luckily, you were far away from the rest of the members. "Y-Yah!! Don't shout!! I REALLY LOVE YOU TOO Jinyoung-ah! JEONGMAL SARANGHAE.." you said. He then hugged you tightly and you hugged back. "So that means? You.. Me?? together?" he asked full of glee. "Nae.." you giggled at him. But that giggle of your stopped when you felt something in your lips. Jinyoung suddenly kissed you. You were a bit surprised but later, you kissed him back.

When the both of you returned to the other members while holding hands. Baro saw the both of you holding hands then he whispered it to Sandeul. He then passes it to the rest. When you got there, all of them started teasing the both of you. You both blushed but were really happy.

Knowing that you and your bestfriend for about ten years, dating and was a happy couple was so joyful..It was the best thing that happened to the both of you..

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