Dirty Little Secret...

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Chapter 11

-Whenever hell freezes over-


I opened my eyes lazily to an empty bed, his empty bed. I sat up stretching out feeling really tired. I rubbed my eyes feeling really tired still. I got out of the bed shivering. I went to Justin's dresser and pulled out a white T-shirt, blue plaid boxers, and a pair of socks.

I went to his bathroom taking a long shower after doing my business. I walked down the stairs into the living room seeing he wasn't down there. I walked into the kitchen hearing the house door open and close just as I saw he wasn't there.

I turned from the kitchen after hearing heavy footsteps going up the stairs. I walked along the stairs after them probably them being Justin. I went to his bedroom seeing he was looking at the empty made up bed putting something down on it.

He turned around standing there confused to shock. "Oh, your there."He laughed rubbing his temple nervously. What worried him this early? "I-I had brought you breakfast and um, are you okay? We you drunk last night or just not in your normal mind?"He asked biting onto his bottom lip.

I starred into his eyes somewhat confuse. What is wrong with him? "Thanks and I'm okay, What about you? You seem nervous and unsure. Did something happen?"I asked going to him running my hands through his hair softly.

He stepped back gulping as he rubbed the back of his neck looking everywhere but my eyes. "Justin, did I do something wrong last night?"I asked a little worried. "I-I, um, well we had sex. I-I'm sorry i-it happened."He chocked moving around.

"Was it bad? Did you not enjoy it?"I asked. He looked up at me looking at me weirdly before shaking his head. "N-No never with it being you. Never."He said shaking his head. "Then what is it?"I asked.

"I love you a lot Sarah, but do you even actually like me? I love you and I'm not just saying that. I-I just don't want you to get into a relationship with me when you still hate me."He frowned taking a seat.

"Justin."I breathe seeing tears swell up in his eyes as he looked down. I put my hand to his cheek making his eyes meet mine. I pressed my lips onto his feeling his tears fall on my cheeks. He kissed back before shaking his head pulling away.

Hurt written all over his face. "Justin, please look into my eyes." He swallowed looking into my eyes tears falling. "Justin, I really do love you." I wiped his wet cheeks before pecking each cheek. "I'm not just saying that because you want to hear it either."I smiled.

He smiled a little as I took off his leather jacket laying it on the bed neatly. "I love you because your my best friend. Your the guy I grew up with, the guy that I hope to grew old with also."I smiled.

"Look at what I did to you during them years."He frowned. "Justin, the past is the past. We can't change the past but we can move on to the future and learn from our mistakes."I smiled. He sighed moving his hands to my waist.

I pressed my lips to his closing my eyes savoring the taste of his sweet lips. I pulled away biting my lip as I opened my eyes. "I love you, Justin."I smiled. He smiled showing that big flawless smile of his. He pulled me closer to him looking down at me with love in his brown orbs.

I took the bottom of his shirt pulling it over his head. He smiled even more as I bit on my lip pulling my-his shirt over my head. "Do I have you permission to show you how much I, Sarah Carter get to show you how much I love you?"I asked tugging at his jeans.

I smirked pulling them down to his ankles. I pushed him down with my hand making sit on the bed nodding. He kicked off his pants as I sat on his lap giving him long passionate kisses. He rested his hands on my waist holding them. I straddled him putting my legs on each side wrapping my hands around his neck. He starred into my eyes his lips parted. I moved up and down on him making him stare at me speechless.

He let out a throaty groan as I went faster and harder feeling him harden on me. "S-Sarah...I-I..can't take it...a-any longer."He groaned closing his eyes shut. "I really can't help that."I smirked getting up. He opened his eyes looking at me confuse. I put my hair into a messy bun. I walked out of his room going into mine putting on some clothes.

I turned around him standing there confuse. "Where are you going?"He asked a little dumbfounded. "Did you seriously think I would actually love you after you tried to get me pregnant? After you used me for so long? As if I was your toy? Did you really think I was even enjoying being nice to you after that?"I laughed at his hurt face. This is so amusing. 

"I-I love you Sarah, y-you said you love me too."He said his eyes getting red. "Didn't I ask if you wanted me to show you how much I love you?"I asked crossing my arms with a smirk. "S-Sarah, I-I'm sorry. I love y-you."He cried. "Things I just can't control."I replied coldly. He leaned onto the door frame holding his face in his hands as he cried.

"You lied to me that night saying you love me, I believed you. You lied saying I was special to you that you wanted us to never not be together. You lied to me 4 years ago saying I was your best friend. You lied and now I did too!"I yelled at the end making him look up. I just shook my head smiling.

I walked up to him looking him in the eyes only inches away. I felt his breath on my lips every second making me lip my lips.  "Karma's a bitch."I smirked before walking away. "S-Sarah, don't leave!"He yelled after me. I didn't look back I kept walking.

"I-I will kill myself if you do!"He yelled making me stop. You don't care, Sarah. You don't care. He had hurt you and he is just tricking you into staying with him. I shook it off and walked down the stairs not caring to look back as I grabbed my keys. "I will do it I swear! I can't live without you!"He yelled as I walked outside.

I got into my car and slammed the door. I looked up seeing him standing at the door crying hard. I started the car and drove away. Not caring. He wouldn't actually kill himself. I just know it. He's making it such a big deal as if he didn't remember I work for him. I really don't care anymore. I shivered remembering how I was towards him. It just makes me sick.


Hey, babes! Opinions? Any ideas on what should happen next? ;) Anyways thanks for reading please vote or comment thanks babes! :) Have a great day!  :) Love you guys!

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