Dirty Little Secret...

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Chapter 17

-All ears-


I love you.. That have been my favorite words since last night right before I fell asleep. It's so real and I could just feel it when he said it and it was this heart melting feeling. I felt something much more. I want us to last together. I want us to grow old and die together. I want us to be together after life. I just know that I want us to be together. He makes me feel something I never felt before he just makes me want to love him more and more, more than I could ever imagine sometimes.

Sometimes I just don't know. What ever he is talking about can't be so bad that I will hate him when we get back. Trust me when I say that there is nothing that can stop my love for him. Nothing. I'm watching him sleep right now so peacefully. He is sleeping like there is nothing that is worrying him what so ever. He looks so innocent and sweet. He looks like he would never hurt a fly. Well I have to go he is stirring now.



"Stare much?"He asked as I put my Diary under me in the covers. "I'm sorry but you are just so damn beautiful."I smiled as he raised an eyebrow before he attacked me in millions of kisses all over my face and everywhere. I laughed pushing his face away.

"Had a good sleep?"He asked sighing as he pulled me to him laying me real close to him. "Yes, ready to explore the rest of Disney Land today?"He asked. "Only if I get to explore your body afterwards."He smirked as I rolled my eyes. "Fine but come on, its adventure time."I laughed getting up.

"Can we pair up in the shower?"I asked. "Yeah, sure of course."He chuckled getting up in nothing but his boxers. "Last one in there is a loser."He laughed pushing me as he ran inside starting the shower. "No fair."I whined running in as he was already in the shower. "If it makes you feel better, your my loser."He smiled looking at me trying not to laugh.

"Forget you."I sighed walking out of the bathroom. "No, baby let's take a shower together then later on tonight you can be mad at me, deal?"He asked his wet body wrapped around so I couldn't move. "Sure, I mean I have no choice."I kissed his lips. "You have no choice but to love me because I'm Justin Bieber there is no way anyone in the world can stop loving me."He mumbled onto my neck before giving me kisses. "Justin, stop we need to spend our last day at Disney Land right."I laughed.

"Oh I am, starting with our shower."He kissed my lips before picking me up carrying me to the shower. "Wash away."He said in a fake italian accent. I sighed going to the shower. I washed myself then we both went to go change.

I changed into a purple crop top that had Bad Bitch in black print. I put on some black skinny jeans and had black and purple accessories along with black converses. I curled my hair into beach curls then put light make up on. I opened the door shock. How the hell? Justin was in a purple button up shirt and black pants with a black watch. His shoes were black and purple as well. What?

"What are you wearing?"I asked shocked to see us matching. "Clothes, why are we matching?"He asked. "Woah, I don't know. This is weird. Did you know I was going to wear this?"I asked. "No, we need to go by the way."He said looking at his watch.

I nodded grabbing his hand as I got up going to the door. "Where should we go?"I asked as I took out my phone. "What are you doing?"He asked as we started to walk seeing I kept looking at my phone. "Justin, when do you plan on telling me?"I asked stopping. "What? What are you talking about?"He asked. "You know, when are you planning on telling me about what happened and why you were mad and all?"I asked.

He looked down starring at his feet not saying anything. "Come on, tell me or I will just ask Fredo since you won't let me know."I crossed my arms. "No, come on I thought this was going to be our day. Why bring this up, Sarah?"He asked I looked down but then looked back into his brown eyes.

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