Dirty Little Secret...

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Chapter 12

-Chew the fat-


"That's some crazy stuff. Sarah is like his best friend."I said surprised on all that I missed while with my family back home. "Yeah, right now he's home, she left and even left her career behind. She haven't told us anything else and we can't find nor contact her."He frowned taking a seat. "She was my favorite."He sighed.

"She's in a rough patch. She will come back, don't worry."I replied. "Well can you go visit him? He hasn't left that mansion since she left."He said very concern. "Yeah, I'll go talk to him. See what up with him."I smiled getting. "Thanks, let him know he has beliebers to satisfy."He said. I rolled my eyes closing the door.

Beliebers? At a time like this? He has a life too. He was found not made, some people have to realize that. He's not a robot at all. I got into my car and drove to his house. I pulled up walking to the door. I put my hand in the plant until I found his spare key. I opened the door and put it back in there closing the door behind me. I bit my lip looking around the quite house. It was dead silent like you would think no one was here.

I walked up the stairs into the bedroom. I saw his bed looking like he got out of bed it was messy and unmade. I walked to the bathroom and opened the door my heart racing. I ran to the tub and grabbed his arm pulling him up from the water. He was pale, freezing, and had very blue lips. I put his body onto the ground and prepared CPR. I did it four times scared out of my mind. "Justin, come on. You have to make it."I said before going again. I did two more times before he sat up coughing up water and some pills. I smiled hitting his back letting him cough it out.

He stopped and looked up at me. "What are you doing here?"He asked as I sat up going in search of blankets, covers something to warm him. I grabbed the covers from his bed and gave it to him. "What are you doing here?"He asked a little disappointed. "Don't worry about that. Tell me why you tried to kill yourself."I replied coldly. "No, tell me why you came and saved me. You see I did it for a reason."He replied. "Justin, you are so fucking selfish. Do you not realize that you have fans? Family? Friends? Do you know how sad they would be if they found out you killed yourself over some girl? Justin, that was not okay.

You have people that love and care about you. People who try or do kill themselves are very selfish people. Think about the people that are around you. Think about the people around you. We love you, Justin! Your so fucking selfish!"I yelled. I took a deep breath trying to calm down but tears built up in my eyes I just couldn't take it. 

"I'm sorry."He muttered. "I'm sorry too! I'm sorry that your that kind of guy! I'm sorry your that kind of guy to kill themselves over a girl when they have millions of others. You could have at least gotten laid when she left not plotting to kill yourself. Don't say you can't live without her or some shit like that because you knew she exist you were living. I really am disappointed in you Justin."I frowned.

"I'm sorry."He muttered again. I rolled my eyes. "I can't leave you alone and I'm not. I'm not letting you do some stupid shit like that again."I groaned. I took out my cell phone. I dialed Sarah's phone number and pressed call. I put it to my ear keeping my eyes on him. He looked away laying down wrapped in the blanket.

"Hello, Sarah May Carter, this is Alfredo here with stupid ass Justin. I just saved Justin after he did the dumbest shit ever. He tried to kill himself by drowning in his tub and I just saved him just now. Thanks to you. I know you can hear me and even though this is on voice mail doesn't mean shit. I hope you happy, have a nice life."I spat before hanging up.

I put my phone in my pocket before getting a phone call. "He did what?"I heard her voice in the other end. "I'm not happy at all."She added. "Yes, he just did. I don't play but you need to come and straighten things out with this lunatic. I'm not leaving him unattended so you guys need to sort what ever you guys got going on. This isn't a joke, Sarah. You guys are just bull shit."I said. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen. I will get the next flight back, I swear."She replied.

"Where are you?"I asked. "Hawaii."She replied. "Hawaii? Why there?"I asked. "I needed to get my mind off of him."She replied. I shook my head leaning my head on the frame. He looked up at me silently watching me talk to her. "I don't want her to be mine anymore."He said. "What?"She asked in the other end. "Hold on."I told her. "What?"I asked. "She's better off without me. She left for a reason. I don't deserve her. Let her stay. She doesn't need to be with me. She needs to live her own life."He bit his blue lip. "Are you sure? She said she just need to get her mind off of you and you guys drama for a little bit."I said.

"She needs to find a guy that could love her more than me."He said no smile anywhere on him. "Don't get a flight. Stay there. He said he wanted you to just be happy. I guess he will try to get over you."I said to her. "Oh."She said trying to sound relieved but sound kind of sad. Did she miss him? "Um, do you think I should come or should I stay here?"She asked. "Your life not mine."I replied. "Oh, okay."She replied. "I will think about it."She said before she hanged up. And that was it. That's how it began...


Hey guys! lol not the last chapter if your thinking that. So now we (Sarah) is going to start opening her heart not brain. (If that made sense). Lol so guys please vote or comment I love you guys thanks for reading love you guys! :)

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