Dirty Little Secret...

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Chapter 15

-Zip your lips-


"So that's a wrap anyone up for pizza?"Hannah asked as we went to get our bags. I decided to just go back to the suite. I walked out knowing everyone hardly speaks to me and why.

"Sarah, where are you going? Pizza is this way."Fredo asked blocking me. "Oh, I'm going back to the suite. I don't want any pizza. How about something else? What are you up for?"He asked.

"Fredo, you know pizza is thatta way."Justin said coming up to us before seeing me. "I know but me and Sarah are going to go grab lunch since she isn't up for pizza. Want to come?"He asked.

I looked up at him. "Of course not, right Justin? We have pizza waiting on us."Selena interrupted us. "You don't even eat pizza."Fredo caught her in her lie.

"Excuse you for knowing what I don't eat days ago. People change, Fred."She replied. "That was yesterday. When I dropped you off you said you didn't want pizza. You said you hate it."He crossed his arms.

"Guys, are you really arguing over pizza. Like seriously? Pizza is delicious sorry babe, but we can just all go out for burgers instead."He said sounding way more mature for it to be him.

"Baby Bieber is growing up."Fredo faked a sniff. I chuckled before getting a look from Selena. "That thing isn't coming right?"She asked as if I'm not here. "Fuck you."I growled. "What did you just say?"She asked turning to me.

"Clean out you ears and you will find out."I growled. "Can we go take this outside?"She asked putting her hand on her hip. "With pleasure."I replied. "Wait, guys, n-" I pushed Selena down making her fall down the stairs.

I ran down the stairs throwing down my bag before pounding my fist in her face. She started clawing at me but I had her in the head lock.

I let go and started to punch her again right before she got my hair yanking it hard. I groaned taking a hand full of hers while digging in my bag. I took out a pair of scissors.

"Sarah!"I heard someone yell my name before I snapped the scissors. I cut off everything that's exactly what this bitch gets for messing with me.

She clawed my face good almost getting my eye making me fall back holding onto to my left eye.

"M-My hair!"She yelled. I chuckled to myself. Her hair gone. She launched at me making me fall back. I flipped us over not me on top.

I started punching her as hard as I could anywhere I could until I felt someone pick me up carrying me over their shoulders.

I pound my fist unto their back until they stopped putting me in their Ferri. "What is wrong with you? Are you serious, Sarah?"Justin asked sweat dripping down his forehead. "I wasn't done."I responded bitterly. "You are insane! You were so nice and sweet what happened?"He asked frustrated.

"People like you, that's what happened. People like you fucked that up!"I yelled. He took a deep breath. "There another thing to that, people like me don't treat people like you like the way you just did too."He replied.

"Shut up!"I yelled. "No, you need to listen to me."He said getting into the car. I sighed as he turned it on and began to drive. "Where are you taking me?"I asked trying to calm down.

"Why would you cut her hair? or even push her down the stairs like that?"He asked clenching into the steering wheel his eyes squinting onto the road. "Where are you taking me?"I asked again.

"Sarah, what do you exactly want from me? I fell for you and when I fell I fell hard. You made it pretty clear that day that you did not want to be with me. You come back and now you love me and expect me to just fall into your arms. What do you exactly want from me, Sarah?"He asked.

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