The Hogwarts Express

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"Come on Draco" I screamed as lots people pushed me with their trolleys filled too the very top with suitcases and lose items.

It had been a week or so since I saw Harry Potter in person for the first time in my life. Just to make this clear... I SAW HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!! Was it a dream?

I, Draco, Mum, Dad and Draco's ugly as friends Crabbe and Goyle ran down the train platform as fast as we could to catch the train to Hogwarts. It's been my life dream.

"Wait, Mother, how do we even get to the Hogwarts express?" I questioned

"Oh it's simple... You run through this wall." Mum replied.

My face went blank. Is she MAD! Mum rolled her eyes, not at all subtly and took Draco's arm and charged at the door. To my surprised, they vanished. How... Going with my gut, I started headed for the door.

There was a strange feeling around me. Maybe I've been knocked out or dead! Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw dazzling sparks and owls flying around. Wow! I took Lila (my new cat) out of her cage and showed her.

"Good bye children! Remember to write to us Draco and stay out of trouble Charlotte" Mother and Father chorused

As I turned around, I saw Draco, Crabbe and Goyle leave. Waving to Mum and Dad, I started to board the train like everyone else. Now I just need somewhere to sit.

Grey smoke floated past the windows covered up a stunning scenery behind. It had been 15 minutes and I still hadn't found a seat. They were all fill. Soo many people at this school, I'm not sure how I'm going to cope to be honest. However, I may be in luck...

It saw the girl who was in the pet shop buying a wolf. She seemed very nice.

"Why hello" she said. At least she noticed me here too.

"Hi" I whispered back so quietly I could not even hear myself. Great way to make friends Charlotte! Act so frightened of the person.

"Awwwww" she soothed back "Don't be scared, I don't bite, names Skye Jones, pureblood."

"Charlotte Malfoy so pureblood too" I said more confidently. Smiling as I realised this may be my first friend here.

She led me to a compartment and we started to talk some more. Soon we found out we had so much in common. Quibbler, magical creatures and chocolate (so we had to share a few)

"Now Charlie I'm going to go to the loo so you go make some more friends ok" Skye said.

I nodded my head, gave Skye a hug and walked out. After a while I saw the chosen one. Harry Potter. Properly pushing my luck, I skipped in the compartment he was in.

"Hi!" I smiled as I sat down as I sat myself down next to a red head boy stuffing his face with sweets.

"Why hello this is Ron and I'm...... Well you properly know........ Sadly" Harry sighed.

"Yeah I do but I won't annoy you about it because I don't want to annoy you oh I'm Charlotte by the way" I said patting Harry's back I'm sympathy. I wouldn't want everyone to know who I was and have no parents. I feel really sorry for him.

"Thanks, everyone has been acting weird around me today." Harry smiled

"Especially that Hermione Granger girl she mental that one in telling you" Ron remarked

We all laughed...... I think I'm gonna like it here

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