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I shut the door quietly on my friends, hoping they would come out unharmed. Looking out the pitch black corridor I sighed and reached for my wand.
"Lumos..." I whispered.
My hands started to shake slightly as I heard creaks of floorboards around me. I am not and probably never will be afraid of the dark but when I do shake it usually means danger is right around the corner...
10 minutes later I lost track of time and my curious nature lead me forward towards the end of the corridor. Breathing became hearable and footsteps came nearer. Until I hit two moving people.
"Fuck! Oh... Um fudge!" I squealed. My cheeks went red as I said the first word
"Charlotte Malfoy! Don't use that sort of language..." Familiar voices said in unison. My favourite twins. Fred and George.
"You can't say much..." I put my hands on my hips. "You say stuff like that a lot. Why are you around her anyway?"
"Well, a little while ago we were thinking of good ways to prank your brother." George smiled
"That sounds cool. How about sweets that makes him puke. That would be great!" I laughed, forgetting why I was here in the first place
"Great idea! However, while we were thinking of good ideas, we saw you, Ron, Harry, Skye and Hermione. So we followed you." Fred said
"We wanted to make sure you were ok... We knew you would be all right but still." George said
"Errr. Thanks. I guess" I said "By the way, we all need to be quiet cause we can't get caught."
"Why? And where are the others?..." Fred questioned
My eyes widened. What do I do? I cant tell them I lie. They are my friends. But this is something you can't just say..
I just have to tell them.
"Snape or Quirell. I don't know but one of them is trying to steal the Phillospers stone. A stone that makes you immortal and Voldemort is gonna use it to come back. That is who Snape or Quirell is working for. We are all trying to get it before they do. Harry, Skye, Ron and Hermione have gone down by a trapdoor guarded by a 3 headed dog. Yes, that is what's guarding it... I was told to keep guard and I bumped into you and that's were we are know!" I spoke quickly, gasping for breath here and there.
"Ok...... that's normal." George raised his eyebrows.
"Normal is a vastly misguided word. Everything is different in its own way. Making nothing 'normal'" I shrugged
"True..." Fred said
After laughing a little I remembered that I was supposed to be waiting for the others to come out. 15 minutes could have passed. They might be in trouble... I could have helped! I'm such an idiot... Maybe I'm over thinking things... I hope so!
"Guys... Do either of you know how long it has been since we have started talking." I asked
"About 15 ish minutes why?" George asked
"Oh no" I gasped "Harry said that if they were not here in 15 minutes I had to get McGonagall. I have to go now! Sorry..."
"Well were coming with you" George grabbed my hand and we and ran to McGonagall's office.
We arrived to her office to a surprise. Snape was there with Dumbledore (He's back already), not McGonagall. Our bodies filled with confusion.
"Quirell must be down at the trapdoor by now." Snape growled
"Yes he must be...I'm glad I got your letter" Dumbledore replied. "We must stop him. You did well protecting harry by the way. Lily would be very happy..."
I raised my eyebrows. He could be talking about Lily Potter, Harry's mum. But anyway, Snape hates Harry so why would be protect him?
"I don't get it, Quirell is trying to steal the Philosophers stone. Why? It doesn't have any use to him." Fred said
"Shut up! We are not supposed to be here. And Quirell is working for Volde- um you know who and he wants the stone. For immortal life" I whispered
"Who's there!?" Snape shouted. We're busted...
All three of us stepped toward the two wizards.
"Well. Who do we have here? I think trespassing and roaming around after lights out means 150 points each are taken away from your houses." Snape smiled evilly
"Tut Tut. Don't be so hard on them. Why do you look so distressed Charlotte?" Dumbledore said
"Harry, Hermione, Skye and Ron are looking for the Philosophers stone. They have not come back!" I cried
"Oh dear we need to get to them. Take my hand Miss Malfoy, George take her's, Fred take my other one. Snape come with us. Lets go." Dumbledore said as we apparated.
The group of us landed in the middle of a giant chess game. The pieces were taller than us! I looked around in amazement until I saw a group of three people.
"Skye! No!" I yelled as I saw my best friend on the floor, eyes closed and not moving. "W-What happened to you?! Answer me!"
A small tear of mine landed on her cheek.
"Charlotte, it will be ok. She's breathing see..." George pointed at her chest.
I felt a number arm embrace me, which hugged me and made my tears stop.
"Snape go find Harry. He might be near the mirror." Dumbledore broke the silence
"She fell unconscious. Just like that." Hermione snapped her fingers "Ron was too but know he's alright."
"That's good" Fred said "I don't know how we would have broken the news to mum." We al laughed
Snape then came running to us with a panicked look on his face. "Harry, he's fainted!"