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[Tiffany - 12:37 PM] Text me back when you're out of your test.

[Taeyeon - 12:37 PM] I'm about to go in the second one, I will text you when I'm out.

[Tiffany - 12:37 PM] GOOD LUCK

[Taeyeon - 12:38 PM] Thanks 😁


[Taeyeon - 3:33 PM] I'm out 💀

[Tiffany - 3:33 PM] How did both of them go?

[Taeyeon - 3:34 PM] I nailed the first one but I think I fucked up a couple questions on the second one 😩

[Tiffany - 3:34 PM] Aww that's all right, you have been doing well in all your tests, a couple of questions on the last one won't hurt your credit count.

[Taeyeon - 3:35 PM] You're right 😞 but it was the subject of my favorite professor, I wanted to do well!!

[Tiffany - 3:35 PM] A couple of questions does not mean you fucked it up Taeyeon.

[Taeyeon - 3:35 PM] But I care for those couple of questions.

[Tiffany - 3:36 PM] If I was there I would give you a hug ☹

[Taeyeon - 3:36 PM] I would have liked that very much 🙃

[Tiffany - 3:36 PM]


[Taeyeon - 3:36 PM] THANKS!!!!!

[Tiffany - 3:37 PM] ARE YOU HAPPY?!

[Taeyeon - 3:37 PM] I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY!!!!

[Tiffany - 3:37 PM] Lol I get it now why you did this to me last week.

[Taeyeon - 3:37 PM] What did I do?

[Tiffany - 3:37 PM] You congratulate me on finishing my second year?

[Taeyeon - 3:37 PM] Oh yeah.


[Tiffany - 3:38 PM] THANK YOU!!

[Tiffany - 3:38 PM] But you know what I'm most happy for?

[Taeyeon - 3:38 PM] What?

[Tiffany - 3:38 PM] IT'S VACATION!!!


[Taeyeon - 3:39 PM] FUCK YEAH!!!

[Tiffany - 3:39 PM] So what are you going to do during the next three months?

[Taeyeon - 3:39 PM] I didn't plan anything, I'm thinking of going on a trip, though.

[Tiffany - 3:39 PM] Oh, where to?

[Taeyeon - 3:39 PM] I don't know, somewhere where I can relax in peace, away from the city, I guess.

[Tiffany - 3:39 PM] Ohhhhh that's nice, when are you going?

[Taeyeon - 3:40 PM] I don't know, Tiffany. I haven't planned anything yet 😅

[Taeyeon - 3:40 PM] And what are you going to do?

[Tiffany - 3:40 PM] Probably nothing. I just want to relax and get rid of my stress.

[Taeyeon - 3:40 PM] I see.

[Taeyeon - 3:40 PM] I have got to drive now so I will text you later.

[Taeyeon - 3:40 PM] Okay 🙂


Tiffany sighed and put her phone on the bedside table. Her patience is getting low and all the circumstances are lining up perfectly for her to ask Taeyeon to meet up, but she's just isn't sure if Taeyeon feels the same way. She could tell that there is some kind of connection between them but Tiffany now realizes that she made a mistake with the order.

She's sexting with the girl she's interested in even though they haven't met in real life yet, and hearing about Taeyeon's repetition from Sooyoung certainly doesn't help the situation. Although, Taeyeon said that she was going through some hard time and she already got over her issues and Sooyoung confirmed it. Tiffany can't help it but get nervous.

Apparently, when Taeyeon first started college, she was already known to be quite open about sexuality, and college girls wouldn't let such an opportunity go, a cute girl who's willing to help them experiment. Honestly, most of them only slept with Taeyeon for the sake of saying, "I have slept with a girl before.", that's just how it was for most of them, but another part of them were seriously interested in Taeyeon, and those people exactly were rejected.

According to Sooyoung, Taeyeon has an amazing singing voice and her art pieces are pretty deep and detailed. Which perfectly explains why she's majoring in Music and Visual Arts.

However, Taeyeon wasn't just all good and fun. aside from her active sex life, Taeyeon also used to be seen at a lot of parties and clubs, drinking to the point of getting wasted. It's a good thing Taeyeon has good friends who made sure she's always safe when she gets like that, however, even her friends couldn't prevent her from getting into pity fights.

That guy just spilled a bit of his drink on her, he gets punched. This guy just accidently bumped into her and didn't apologize or even acknowledge it, he gets tackled down. Another guy just made fun of her, he gets kneed in the stomach. The worst fight she had ever gotten into was with a guy who was flirting with her in a completely wrong way and the only word Sooyoung used to describe the fight was bloody. Taeyeon had apparently broken his arm and punched him so hard that one of his teeth flew off, and she didn't get out of that fight unscratched either, she might be strong but the guy was a lot bigger than her and clearly stronger. Let's just say that she had quite the temper back then and being an alcoholic certainly didn't help her situations.

Nobody knows why except for her close friends, but at the start of her third year, Taeyeon suddenly changed 180 degrees. All requests for sexual interaction with her ended up being rejected, she was never seen at a party ever again and all attempts to piss her off were ignored. She dramatically just calmed down and her whole aura has changed and all Sooyoung knows is that Taeyeon was struggling with a broken home. Or used to be that is.

She changed to the Taeyeon Tiffany recently came to know. As much as hearing about how Taeyeon used to be a year ago scared Tiffany, her curiosity beat the best out of her and she ended up reaching for Taeyeon again only a week later from ignoring her.

According to Sooyoung, Taeyeon has never been in love and was never in a serious relationship, just a few one-night stands, and a couple of booty calls, somehow through all that, Taeyeon had managed to keep her virginity for that special someone she hopes to find someday.

Despite knowing all that and knowing how Taeyeon's love life is like, Tiffany starves to be that special someone who will one day break down all of Taeyeon's walls, and she's determined to use everything up her sleeves to get to her.

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