Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13

Melody POV-

It was completely silent, and that was how I liked it. I stood outside the pack house, my gaze focused on the line of trees in front of me. The leaves rustled as the wind blew and due to my now sensitive hearing I could work out the chirping of birds along with other noises from the critters inside the forest. As I breathed inwards all I could work out was the strong scent of grass, pine and other natural scents, including the disgusting scent of animal dung which I assumed came from some sort of deer.

This morning had been eventful and now I wanted nothing more than to lie down and go to sleep, but some part of me refused to do so and after tossing and turning for ten minutes I left Jason's room and came outside.

Jason was currently in his office, talking to Michael and other pack members about who knows what.

I crossed my arms over my chest and raised my chin upwards to stare at the night sky above. Despite the wind swirling around my body at freezing temperatures, I barely felt it. I guess it had something to do with the fact I was actually a werewolf. Jason had explained to me that our body temperature was hotter than humans and we could withstand the cold.

I glanced back at the pack house, almost expecting someone to come rushing out any minute to force me to go inside. But thankfully, no one did.

A strong part of me urged to go back inside and be closer to Jason, and I guess that was just my wolf. But another part of me decided to ignore her, refusing to go inside till my nerves had calmed down. That same part of me wanted to just go venture into the forest like I had done many times before, just to see it in a new perspective.

I also wanted to see my mum, I hadn't seen her at all today and the thought of her not being near me honestly made me feel uncomfortable. She had been my caretaker for so many years and I felt somewhat selfish just leaving her there home alone.

Finally, after having an inner battle with myself, and possibly my wolf, I made my way into the forest. Sparing one last glance at the pack house before disappearing underneath the shadows of the trees.

As I walked through the forest, I felt more aware of my surroundings. I noticed an owl perched on the branch above my head, along with the rustling of a bush nearby. Unfazed I continued to walk through the forest, in the direction I knew my house was.

Eventually, my surroundings became clear to me and I knew what path I was on. I passed the clearing where I had met up with the wolves for over eight years and I couldn't help but stop and look at the empty clearing. My heart swelled at the thought and a wave of sadness washed over me as I remembered the first day I had entered the forest. I had been greeted by Jason's and Avery's father, he seemed like such a kind wolf and I had a huge hunch I would have gotten along with him just fine.

When I reached the end of the trees and my house finally came into view, I stopped. Staring at the house, all the lights were switched off, except one. The dining room light was still on and through the window I could work out the figure of my mum.

Silently I entered the backyard, quietly closing the gate behind me and heading to the back door which I knocked on quietly.

Almost instantly the door unlocks and it slides open, revealing my mother's figure. Her blonde curls tied up in a messy bun on her head and she was wearing baggy clothes that hung off her body.

Mum is quick to engulf me in a hug and I gladly accept it, wrapping my own arms around her small frame. "Hello Melody." She murmurs to me, her arms tightening around me. "Hey." I reply, stepping out of her arms as she finally releases me.

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