Chapter 2

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Jude and I kept walking to the front gates of the school.The school was pretty big, had neat mowed lawns and flowers in flower pots surrounding the entrance of the office gates and the border of the school grounds. I also noticed a football field at the very back.

I so was engrossed in studying the school until my brother waved a hand infront of my face and said "Earth to Jess! Hey are you even listing to me, Hello! are you even here?????"

"Huh! You were saying something I'm sorry i just zoned out." i replied.

"Yeah, i was saying that everyone is staring at us and I'm feeling awkward!" pointing to the crowd with a gesture of his head.

Thats when i noticed everyone indeed was staring at us.

I simply just firmly held my ALDO bag which was hung around my right shoulder and looked at Jude's face and said " We're the new kids, so it's obvious that everyone will stare at us, just follow my lead" i replied with a gesture pointing at the office doors.

"Hey don't tell me to follow you! Im elder than you so you" pointing a finger at me "follow me" he said pointing a finger at himself this time.

"OKay! don't get all bossy with me, just lead the way MY BIG BROTHER" i replied sarcastically.

"Ahh! Thats more like it, follow me Baby sister" he said smirking.

You know if he wasn't my brother he would be 6 foot under the ground by now!!

He walked into the front gates with me right behind him. I could see all the girls checking Jude out. I couldn't blame the girls , as much as I'd hate to admit it Jude is good looking with his dark brown messed up hair, broad chest because he plays football (how typical) and chocolate brown eyes.

He has all the qualities of a model. While I on the other hand has dark brown long silky wavy hair, the same chocolate brown eyes as him but i was not so tall like Jude he was 6'1 while i was 5'4.

I was not so outgoing like him i preferred staying at home whereas he prefers going to parties almost every weekend. I only attend my dad's parties when he is required to present his children. So were pretty opposite in nature but quite the same in appearance.

So with all that said i think we should probably start getting back to all the swooning girls checking my brother out. I swear i even heard some girls whispering

"He's hot"

"OMG! Hes one good looking guy"

"Would he catch me if i faint?"

I mean seriously !!!! You've got to be kidding me!! I mean seriously this guy they call 'hot' happens to be the big brother of a FRESHMEN who happens to stand RIGHT behind him I mean seriously!!!!

"Looks like I've got admirers already and it's not even been 10 mins since we came here! I think I'm gonna like it here after all " he said smirking and winking at a few girls before entering the office doors.

I swear I saw some girls screaming because Jude winked at them. WEIRDOS.

We entered the principal's office and BOY was it huge!!! It mainly consisted a mahogany wood desk(classic, just my style), a potted Bonsai plant and many pictures on the walls.

The secretary greeted us friendly, i learned that her name is Mrs.Macy , she was i guess in her 20's. She wore a pencil skirt, a black blazer and a peter pan collar neck shirt with her hair up in a French twist.

I had to say she had a good sense of style. She handed us our schedules and locker keys and also wished us good luck.

As soon as we exited the office, there were tons of girls anxiously waiting to show Jude  around the school. Jude  looked at me and smirked, winked at the girls and just walked away.

Oh, the nerve of the guy!!!!!

I just stood there awkwardly  while clutching my bag with no one to show me around. Boy was it awkward!!!!!

Just then Mrs.Macy  noticed me and called a guy about my age walking by to show me around to my classes and then the school. I looked up to find a pair of green eyes looking at me and God were they beautiful!!!

'Hey! I'm Nate, you must be Jessica Simpson the new girl." He smiled showing me those adorable dimples.

"H-H-Hey" I stuttered, blushing. Boy was this guy cute!! I tried covering up my nervousness by standing erect and pretending to be confident.

He just chuckled and asked "Yeah so which class do you have first?"

"Umm, I've got French which Mrs.Lynde" I said glancing at my schedule.

"Cool! We've got the same class, can i look at your schedule to see what other periods we've got together?" he asked smiling.

"Umm, Sure" I replied handing over my schedule to him.

"Ummm, we have  French, Bio lab, English and Math together."  he said handing over my schedule.

"Thats great" i said smiling, he just smiled back.

Just then the first bell rang indicating that we had just five minutes before the first class of the day starts.

"Well we need to get your books and head to class, you don't wanna be late on your first day here!!" he said stuffing his hands in to his pockets.

On the way to my locker i learned that his full name is Nathan Jones and he's 14 just like me and that he is on the football team. Now you must be thinking that he's a stuck up jerk or a douche bag but hold up turns out he's a nice guy.

As soon as the bell rang indicating that class started we walked into our first class!


Hi Guys,

              This is the second chapter of the story and i hope you liked it. What do you guys think about Jude and Nate. I know I'm in love with Nate already!!!!!!

Anyways leave your thoughts on the chapter.



Bye Guys!!!!!

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