chapter 12

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I jumped so hard, I nearly fell out of my chair. Adrian steadied me and was frantically saying my name.

“Rose? What happened! You aren’t having some kind of seizure are you? “

 “Adrian, did you see that?” I asked frantically.

 “No…what?” he asked.

 “That girl you were staring at?” he opened his mouth to protest, but I interrupted. “Save it Adrian. You and I both know you were staring at her. Anyway, that’s not the point…she had a promise mark.”

 “She WHAT?” he shouted.

 People were staring at him, so I shushed him.

 “She looked at me like she knew who I was, and tilted her head to show her promise mark. I swear it was deliberate.”

 “What is a guardian doing in KFC” asked Adrian

 “I don’t know, but we need to find out”

 As if on cue, he mysterious woman turned to me and made a motion with her hand and mouthed “quick”

 i didn’t hesitate. I caught Adrian by the hand and dragged him over to where the woman stood.

 “Who the hell are you?-” I asked rudely.

 She interrupted me. “No time. Quick before they see us.” she said frantically. She grabbed me by the hand, and glanced at Adrian. She blushed a little, and grabbed his too.

 She dragged us into the bathroom, and locked the door.

 “Sorry about that, my name’s kaitlyn.” she said to me. Her voice was like tinkling bells and had a slight accent, which I thought was Irish.

 She seemed nice. I felt really bad about being so rude.

 “Look, I’m sorry-“

 She waved it off.

 “Don’t worry about it…”

 i held out my hand


 “Rose Hathaway?” she finished.

 I was stunned. How did she know my name?.

 She smiled.

 “I think everyone knows your name by now…Rose Hathaway, one of the greatest guardians ever!” she said enthusiastically.

 “Um, I don’t think so!” I said.” this is Adrian” I said gesturing to him.

 She gave him a funny look, and I looked at him. He was staring at her with a kind of adoration. I nudged him.

 “Uhhh…earth to Adrian? ” I said. What was up with him? i slapped him lightly, and shocked him out of his daze.

 “Nice to meet you” he said, taking her hand and kissing it.

 ”Nice to meet you to” she mumbled

 I coughed

 "Most importantly, why are you here? You are a guardian, and you are in KFC. I would find it hard to believe if you told me you were hungry and wanted so popcorn chicken.” I asked.

 “Isn’t it kind of obvious?” she said

 “Actually, no-“

 My gaze travelled her, looking for some kind of clue. Then I notice the stake in her pocket, and it suddenly hit me like a slap in the face.

 "Strigoi” we said at the same time.

 Adrian who had been quiet jumped to life.

 “WHAT?” he yelled

 “Strigoi?. In KFC? ” I said. All I could think was what. The. Fuck.

 “I’m afraid so” was all she said

 “But-but…what are strigoi doing in KFC?”

 "I was thinking exactly the same thing. But, I think I figured it out…” said kaitlyn.

 “Go on.”

 “I think they are here to recruit humans” she whispered.

 “In KFC?” I replied, doubtfully.

 “Yeah, there are quite a lot of humans who come to KFC ya know!” she said laughing.

 Kaitlyn was nice. I was really starting to like this girl.

 “Are you sure there are strigoi?” I asked.

 “Well, duh! When you see people with red eyes, you tend to know they are strigoi…jeez, and you’re supposed to be smart!” she said sarcastically. There was a joking tone in her voice.

 "So, I’m guessing you need my help?” I asked eagerly. Oh please, pleeeease let me help…I thought mentally. It had been so long since I’d killed a strigoi.

 “ Yeah! I actually called for backup 2 hours ago…they didn’t come! I would have been stuck in here for ages if you hadn’t turned up.

 “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go kill some strigoi!”

 We headed out of the bathroom, Adrian in tow. Sure enough, there were 2 strigoi eyeing us.

 I watched one while kaitlyn watched the other. I glanced at Adrian to make sure he was ok.

I looked back at my strigoi, and he was gone. I panicked.

 “Kaitlyn, he’s gone.” I said. She looked at me. She didn’t say anything, and looked back at her strigoi. Or where it had been, as hers had disappeared too.

 “Oh crap! So has mine” she said.

 “Now what do we do?” I asked

 “We wait-“

 We didn’t have to wait very long.

 We heard a scream, coming from the bathroom. We ran towards it, and I made sure Adrian was behind me. Sure enough, he was.

 As we stepped into the bathroom, we were met by smashed mirrors, floors flooded and doors hanging on their hinges. The human who screamed was lying on the floor moaning, with the red eyed strigoi bent over her, draining her life. He looked up, and tossed the human against the white brick wall, and I heard every bone in her body crack.

 He snarled at us, and I shoved my stake, into his heart. Cool. I still had it! it felt sooo good to stake a strigoi…

 “Nice work Hathaway!” said kaitlyn.

 I smiled and remembered Adrian. I spun around expecting to see him standing there.

Except he wasn’t.

 “Adrian?” cried kaitlyn. Everything in her voice screamed worry.


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