Chapter Ten: Nice to meet you

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Snow and Strucker began towards the landing dock. Strucker told her more and more of her abilites and how much she has helped them change.

"I can't wait to bring you back. The others will be so happy you have returned." Strucker said to her.

"Others?" Snow asked confused. She thought it was just them too.

"Yes. We are apart of an organization, HYDRA." Strucker explained. The name sent chills down Snow's spine and made her heart skip a beat.

"And they help others?"

"They are a scientific research organization. With the new things we find, we help create a better world. One that is alive and full of promise." Strucker said with praise. A small chuckle echoed behind them.

"Aw, is that the bullshit you spew out now?" They turned to see The teenager with black eyes grinning. Her hair was all over the place, and her clothes were hanging off her body from the tearing of it. Rings of purple and blue covered her neck. "Cause that is not how I remember it."

"Thorn....What a pleasant surprise." Strucker said, nervousness in his throat. 

"I know, Francis did a such a great job of keeping in control. I mean, its not like I am not supposed to be alive right now." Rose said with sarcasm. "Now, leave before I personally gut you."

"Oh Thorn." Strucker chuckled, "You really think you are any match for us?"

"Eh, considering you Winter Solider is down from me...." Strucker's face fell as Rose spoke. "I think I will be good."

Rose pushed her hands forward, sending Snow and Strucker down the tiled floor. Snow quickly got up, and began to charge. Snow pushed her hand forward, as the water in the air clumped together and flew towards Rose. Rose put up her hand as a shield, while the water evaporated when the two touched.

"Impressive, but tell me, why protected that asshole over there?" Rose said with a smile. 

Snow growled. Snow walked over to Rose, and grabbed her wrist. Rose's wrist began to burn, the smell of burning flesh was very powerful. Rose groaned in pain, then put her other hand to Snow's chest and and pushed, sending her flying.

"I know I am a bit of a hot head, but was that really necessary?" Rose groaned as she looked at the burnt hand mark on her wrist. "I mean, this shit ain't goin' no where now. Eh, Battle scars are cool. I can live with it."

"Enough!" Strucker growled loudly. His voice echoed with in the walls of the compound. "Storm, end her."

Snow's body twitched. Her head began to scream with remembrance and fear.

The HYDRA Agents crowded around to watch. The screams of the child grew as they amplified each shock. Once finished, the machine calmed down and let the child go. Lance walked over to the girl. She shot up disoriented and confused.

"Where am I?" She demanded.

"You are home Storm." Lance said to her. She seemed confused.

"I..Is that my name?" She asked. Her bright blue eyes glowed with every word.

"Yes." Lance said with a smile. 


The girl with the white hair grew. Eight months she has been with HYDRA. Strucker kept his word, and treated her better. She lived in an apartment in the underground compound. She was not hurt unless she disobeyed. They trained her everyday, followed with experimentation and a wipe.

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