chapter three

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"You need to tell Ricardo to fuck off!" Zharia whispered to me. "I've been trying for a year!" I spoke back. "Well it ain't gonna stop 'til you make it stop." She is right though, he won't stop 'til I make him.

We went back to Jaheim and I handed him his soda, he likes Dr.Pepper. We talked for awhile, I tried to stay into the conversation but I couldn't stop thinking about what to do about Ricardo. I looked at my watch 2:45 I have to go. "Uh, guys I have class in 15 minutes. So I have to go, we can hang or whatever later." I kind of mumbled. Jaheim could sense that something was up but he just got up and hugged me. Zharia rubbed my back. I grabbed my books and a pen and head to one of my four lawyer courses.

I get to class, sit in my usual seat and listen to the lecture coping key notes and things. Trying to stay awake for the next hour.

My phone vibrated. I looked at it, Ricardo. I rolled my eyes so hard and read the text. "We have to talk baby, I really really wanna be with you and I love you." All that bullshit when he wants something or feels bad. "Yeah sure okay we can talk outside my dorm. Where everyone can see us." I text back. "Okay, fluffy." He text back, he called me fluffy when we were together before the beatings. "I'm not fluffy anymore." I sent back ignoring anymore vibrations.

I took all the notes I needed "Remember class, midterm countdown starts today you all have 30 days til. Then if you pass you are one step closer to The Bar test." My teacher announced. I never seen her it's always dark in here for the projector. Class was let out early.

I walked out ahead of others. Anxious of what Ricardo had to tell me. I wonder if he's got more flowers, he's got me there I've grown up with a flourished back and front yard. I had a passion for flowers and I had to have one for nursing masks sense I'm allergic to pollen.

"Zinnia!" I was broken out of thought. "Yes." I turned around. "I finished, I finished, I finished!" Zharia jumped up and down. "Finished what, finished what, finished what?" I said imitating her excitement. "My genealogy test for Dr. Francis' class." She said in a duh tone. "Oh okay, why do you call him Dr. And everyone else says Professor?" I asked. "Because he was once my pediatrician." She answered. "Okay what are you made of girl?" I asked. "I am 50% Jamacian 25% Somalian and 25% African American. So basically I'm black." She shrugged. "Okay, well at least we are full of what we look like." I smiled. She nodded.

We walked to my dorm so I could put my stuff up, Zharia said its this fraternity party tonight and has talked me into going. We were talking and reached my dorm. Ricardo was there and Jaheim was at the end talking to someone. I tensed up along with Zharia. "We can always jump him." She whispered, I tried not to laugh. "Ricardo." I said barely above a whisper. He dropped down on one knee and took my hair. "Zinnia, I know I'm not the best you've ever had. I know I'm kind of horrible and I get angry sometimes but will you please, please. Marry me?" He said, I almost fainted. It was still air for a moment. "Will you?" He asked again. "No." Rolled off of my tongue. Everyone gasped except Zharia. "Fluffy, what do you mean no?" He stuttered trying to not become overwhelmed with angry. "I mean no, I will not marry you." I said sternly trying to take back my hand he basically choked it when I tried. "Ricardo, stop, I'm tired of your bruises from what you think is love!" I yelled. "Zinnia be quiet." He snared. "No, I'm tired of being quiet. I'm smart and pretty and deserve better!" I explained. He reached back and swung. I flenched covering my face but he didn't hit me. I opened my eyes, Jaheim caught his arm. "Don't put your hands on a woman." He calmly said. "This has nothing to do with you, Jason" Ricardo turned to him. "What?" I asked "Jaheim." I corrected. He took his other hand and slapped me. I fell, Zharia rushed over and started snapping at Ricardo and yelling at him. He slapped her too. I saw her fall and I got up. I tapped him on his shoulder and I punched him as hard as I could. Followed my Jaheim restraining him. I pulled Zharia up and pressed the "Campus Police" button. They were here oddly fast. "Officer, he's been abusing me for over a year." I spoke out pointing at Ricardo. Jaheim let him go and he charged at me. I didn't flench this time, I stood beside the officer, who looks a lot like my father. He talked to me while the others took Ricardo. "He'll be expelled and most likely trailed." He started to explain. "Miss, why didn't you say something before?" He asked. I looked around everyone looked as if they wanted to know. "I was a-afraid. I didn't know how, I-I just didn't know how." I looked down.

I don't cry anymore, everyone was waiting for me to break down in tears, but I didn't. "I understand I've seen this first hand." He rubbed my arm. "I need a statement about what happened. I need at least three." He announced. "Of course you have to write one sweetie. But I need at least two more from anyone here." He said loudly. "I'll write one."  "I'll write one!" "Me too," "Me too." People just started to volunteer, way more than three. "Have it in my office by 6:00 this evening. I thanked the officer and went into my dorm. Followed by Jaheim and Zharia.

I sat at my desk and started writing. It was dead silent, only the sounds of writing. Jaheim finished first and I could feel him staring at me. I know I had some type of mark on my face. I was the last to finish. I wrote about six pages. I stapled them and turned to them. He looked angry and Zharia had fallen asleep it's only 4:45 I'll take them down in a few minutes. I went in to the bathroom and looked at myself.

I didn't even gasp or scream or anything I just touched it

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I didn't even gasp or scream or anything I just touched it. Sadly, I'm used to my beautiful face being beaten like this. Jaheim came in behind me and just watched me. I started to wash my face with hot water, then use black African soap and rinse with hot, finishing with cold water. The mark will be gone by tomorrow, but I guess I'll wear makeup to the frat party tonight.

"Why didn't you say anything?" The silence was finally broken. "How would that even sound in a letter? Or a conversation?" I started. "Yeah, I'm doing great. My GPA is high, I have new friends and oh I'm in an abusive relationship but he buys me flowers every time he hits me." I said sarcastically. "Zinnia, you know I've always been here for you. You know that." He turned me around. "If you were here for me you wouldn't have left me for two years promising your love and only sent me four letters in two years, no phone calls at all my number has never changed, Jaheim, never!" I yelled.

I walked out of the bathroom and took some clothes out of my drawers. I slipped out of my dress and into one of my t-shirts, shorts and some long socks. I went into the living area and turned on the tv. I reached into the mini freezer and grabbed a pint of birthday cake ice cream. In the night stand drawer I grabbed a plastic spoon.

Jaheim came and sat next to me. My hair a puffy mess, covered my bruised side of my face. I moved it some he can see it.

I'm not blaming him for what happened but if he kept in touched more I most likely wouldn't have begged for love from someone else.

He reached over and pulled me to him. "I'm eating, you're making me make a mess." I said. He turned me to him and I just looked into his eyes. We have the same facial features; high cheek bones, wide nose and big brown eyes. He has smooth dark skin and of course shining white teeth. He began to stroke my face which stopped me from proceeding to eat my ice cream.

"Olubunmi," he whispered. I looked up.  "Olubunmi, Gift from God." He rubbed the bruised side of my face. My middle name is Olubunmi. My parents tried many times to have a child and I was their gift from God. "Olubunmi." He said one last time. "Yes," I finally answered. "I've missed you." He whispered. "I missed you more." I smiled. It hurt, but I smiled. "He fucked you up, flower." His eyes widened. "Nothing make up can't fix." I said. I looked at the Disney Princess clock on my wall. 5:24. I guess I'll take my statement down to the campus police station.

I put my ice cream back in the mini freezer and get up. I slide on my bunny slippers and grab Zharia and my statements. "Jaheim come with me." I called out to him. He looked at me and laughed. "Shutup" I smacked his arm with the papers. He grabbed his and followed me out. Zharia of course is still sleep let her stay sleep til the party.

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