chapter ten

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I watered the flowers and put the growing powder on them. Hoping to make them get better. I added a few different zinnias to her garden. I think I should get her a bigger mini garden because now she's getting more and more flowers since she's been in a coma for a few weeks. Oh, I miss my best friend so much. How could I be so blind? I couldn't even tell that she was hurting like this.

Someone started knocking on the door bringing me out of deep thought. I wiped my face and opened the door. It was the Mexican boy and the Middle Eastern girl, holding big bouquets of flowers. "Hi, we heard about Zinnia so we brought her these flowers." Kelila said in her strong accent. "Chrysanthemum Coronariums and he brought Black Orchids," she emphasized on he. I looked at him confused. "Black Orchids are the Belizean national flower, and she helped me learn that I am Belizean, at least a little bit." He rushed out with his accent. I gave a small smile and nodded, they left and I planted the flowers.

I have a psychology class I need to get to. I locked Zinnia's dorm and walked down the halls. People looked at me with guilt and sympathy, some gave me dirty glances, probably because I look like I haven't showered in days. I'm wearing my senior sweatsuit from years ago, Uggs and my hair is in a big afro unkept and above my eyebrows. I tried to ignore them but one girl was talking loudly and staring at me. She's all the way at the end of the hall and I can hear her talking about me.

I reached the end of the hall and gave her a side eye. "Yeah, I was told she just wanted attention. I mean how much more attention do you need? You have two fine black men fighting over you and you say one's abusing you and the other just popped up? She's putting poor Jaheim through hell and put Ricardo in a crazy house. I really think she just got caught up and made the situation worse." She gossiped.

I turned my head and looked at her very confused, like do you know how dumb you sound. "What the fuck did you just say?" I asked abruptly. "I'm just saying your friend got caught up and did all this for attention." She shrugged off. "How do you think you sound right now? Think about it honestly if you know her, like you think you do, you'd know her and Jaheim broke up on our graduation night. You'd know domestic violence isn't the victim's fault which she is the victim. You'd know Ricardo caused her depression, where the antidepressant pills come into action. So before you speak on something you don't know about learn the facts you big goofy looking bitch." I said calmly.

Everyone that was in earshot stood still with their mouths open. "What did you just call me?" She stepped closer to me, I dropped my bag and looked in her eyes. "I said you big goofy looking.... bitch!" I yelled punching her non stop.

She's way bigger than I and I can't afford to stop swinging. I kept punching her until I felt myself being picked up off the ground. I kept swinging but that bitch dropped me. I started kicking and kept punching making sure all of my hits connected. I grabbed her shirt and with all my might and flipped her over. I got on top of her and started punching her in her face and I didn't stop. I put my knee in her throat and kept punching her, not stopping for other people's screams or her yelling to stop.

I felt a pair of hands grab me. " 'Cause what you not gon' do is talk shit 'bout my best friend when she ain't her to defend herself!" I yelled while being held back. I kept squirming out of their hands and finally got to her. I snatched her by her shirt because I can't reach her head and started kicking her. "You disrespectful ass bitch! Don't you ever let me hear anything regarding my best friend again, bitch!" I yelled through my teeth and between kicks.

The same pair of hands followed by more snatched me up. I was now off the ground but I'm calm now. I'm not going to resist anymore I just let them carry me to the next hall.

It was Jaheim, he put me down and just stared at me. I was out of breath so I didn't say anything either. "She woke up," he said quietly. My heart almost jumped out of my chest. Those three words changed everything. "Like looking around, functioning and talking?" I asked surprised. "Yes, that's why I was over here, coming to get you before you got to class. Why were you fighting? You a little strong motherfucker, you know that. Tried to hold your little ass you pushed me back." He laughed.

I laughed a little, "She was really being disrespectful towards Zinnia and Zinnia wasn't here to defend herself. I really was just going to walk away but she got in my face and I felt threatened cause that bitch is big." I explained. He laughed, "I still can't get  over the way you was punching her," he mimicked me punching her. "Shut up and let's go to the hospital." I laughed walking towards the door.

She finally woke up, after two whole weeks.

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