Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Bianca pushed Charles away once she realized what was going on. It was hard for her to push him away, she missed his kisses. "I have a boyfriend Charles and you have a wife. Do not kiss me again."

"Oh, come on, Bianca. Is this 'boyfriend' you speak of even real?" Charles chuckled mockingly.

"Yes. His name is Anthony. We met at my university and we work at the same company." Bianca said getting up.

"Where are you going?" Charles asked getting up to follow Bianca. He wasn't going to let her go again.

"Why do you have two beds Charles?" Bianca asked something that she curious about since she got to the hotel room.

"One bed is for me and one is for Clara. We don't share a bed because she moves quite a lot." Charles said looking at Bianca. Charles noticed Bianca's face and saw how annoyed it got.


Charles sensed a slight jealous tone which made him happy because it meant Bianca still cared.

"My daughter." Charles nodded. As soon as Bianca said that she realized how she had absolutely no right to be there. Charles was married and had a daughter.

"Charles, don't call me again. Okay? I mean it this time." Bianca walked to the hotel door and was close to opening it.

"Bianca, you were just kissing me a minute ago." Charles said annoyed and upset at the same time. He was more upset than anything. He was trying to get the woman he loved, why wasn't she doing the same?

"It was a mistake. Charles, as much as you say you want to be with me, you're still married to her. You are being selfish. You cant have me and her at the same time. And to be quite honest, I don't want to be with you." Bianca said. It was exhausting to be with him. She always felt somewhat insecure about her disorder to him, and he triggers her anger.

"Bianca please. Just give me a chance, I promise i'll divorce Ashley if that's what you want because you are what I want." Charles begged. There he goes with the begging again, Bianca thought.

"No, Charles. That's what you said last time." Bianca tried pulling her arm out of Charles' grasp but he wouldn't let go.

"Stay the night. Please." 

"Charles! You literally don't listen to anything I have to say! Why aren't you taking anything that I say seriously?" Charles rolled his eyes when Bianca implied that he didn't care about what she wanted.

"Bianca, I am taking everything you say into consideration-"

"Consideration? Consideration for what? Charles, grow up and realize that what we had was nothing! It lasted one week long! I don't want to be with you, I swear I don't. I want to be with someone else who treated amazing over the past 2 years. You treated me like a secret you needed to hide for one week. If you treated me like that for a week how can I trust that you won't do it if we ever get back together?," Bianca paused finally snatching her arm out of Charles' hand, "And why do I always feel ashamed of my bipolar disorder around you? I'm not supposed to feel ashamed for something I can't control. Charles' I know you don't wan't to hear it but you are selfish and I don't wan't to be with you. So please leave me alone."

"I'm sorry Bianca, but I wont leave you alone. I love you and I know you love me too. I'm not going to let true love go to waste." Charles said.

"I don't fucking love you! Stop saying that." Bianca yelled infuriated with him at this point.

Finding Love Again (Sequel to TCP) BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now