Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Bianca's POV

As a young woman who has experienced many things, I don't get flustered easily. I do not get the feeling of embarrassment easily. Because I could not care less about what people think about me. It just doesn't happen.

But I swear, when I saw Ashely and Clara as they just saw me kissing Charles, I wanted to die. All I thought about was how my dreams were about to be ruined. Ashley could fire me, make a complaint to my company, I would get the title of being a homewrecker, and that would be the beginning of a very miserable life for me.


Clara's sweet voice snapped me out of my thoughts and forced me to look at her mother who at that moment looked like she was praying for death upon me.

Charles kneeled down and opened his arms up for Clara to run into. She fell and began crawling. Charles then picked up in an embrace and gave her kisses. The kiss noises were the only thing I could hear in the loud and noisy carnival. Meanwhile, the stare between Ashley and I was extremely intense.

When Charles finally decided to stop kissing Clara, he turned to Ashley, "Hey," pausing and looking at me, "what are you doing here?"

Ashley stopped looking at me to glance at Charles, "Clara's nanny was going to bring her here but I decided I wanted to spend some time with my daughter," Ashley looked at me again.

I was wondering when Ashely or Charles were going to acknowledge my awkward presence and that was killing me. Ashley started again, "I see you enjoy messing with my employees.."

Finally finding my voice again, I began to speak,  "Ashley, can we please go speak over there," I said as I pointed to a random popcorn machine station. With hesitancy, she looked at me and nodded. 

The very short walk, lasting about a minute to walk away from Charles and towards the popcorn machine was the most awkward walk of my entire life. I didn't want Charles to see possible what would be two women fighting over him, especially given our history. 

When we finally arrived, Ashley leaned against a wall and let out a big breath. She put her hands on her face and held it there. I always know what to do, but I really wished I knew what to do now. 

I put my hand up towards her shoulder but then put it back down. I wouldn't want anyone to touch me if I was in her position. I went next to her and leaned against the same wall and began to speak, "Ashley, I know how this looks... but I can assure you that I can explain every single thing."

Ashley took her hands off of her face and revealed a red, teary-eyed face. She was sniffling furiously, "You were her, weren't you?" she shook her head, "the girl who danced with him at that party, the girl who came to England for him, you're the girl who he loves.... arent you?"

Struggling to find words, I nodded my head slowly.

"Ashley, I left him years ago because I knew he had you and Clara. I did not want to be what caused you two to break up. I left him and stayed here in New York. But then one day, an opportunity came and it was you- you did not remember me so I wanted to keep it that way, and let bygones be bygones..." I looked up at her and she still had tears streaming down her face. I don't think I've ever felt this bad in my life. "Ashley, I never tried to hurt you intentionally-"

"I believe you." She started cutting me off. She stood up straight and wiped her face with her fingers.

"You do?" I said with a voice filled with hope. I didn't want to be seen as a villain. I didn't want to be seen as someone who intentionally tries to break up homes, especially not when this is all of Charles's fault.

"Yes, I do. I was desperately chasing a man who was desperately trying to run away from me. That is so embarrassing. And now, my life is in shambles and I don't know who I am." Ashley back away from the wall and pointed towards a random direction, "Let's walk there, I need to take a walk for a bit." 

We started walking and it was silent for a while before she started talking again.

"I'm sure Charles may have told you but Clara is not his daughter.." She turned her head to look at me.

I nodded before turning to look at her, "Yes he did tell me that actually.."

The professional Bianca was kicking at that moment and I really began to think about whether or not this was even appropriate for us two people working together at a firm. If I didn't continue to entertain this conversation, she might grow resentment and lash out on me by reporting me to the firm. Even though I technically did nothing wrong. But I also did not want to keep speaking about this situation in a way that would make it awkward to see each other when we went back to work. At this point, I didn't know what to do.

And as if she read my mind, she began talking about "Bianca, I just wanted to let you know that you do not have to worry about our work situation," She stopped walking and turned to me, "In fact, I think that it would be for the best and Clara and I went back to England. I will attempt to settle things and make things right with her father. He deserves to know the truth anyway."

"What, you're leaving?" I honestly did not think that she would leave. If I am being honest, she was amazing as a boss and as a person to work with and I deeply enjoyed our project together.

"Yes. It just does not feel right to be here in New York or America. There is nothing here for me anymore. All I need right now is Clara and England," she took a deep breath, "I am going to make the decision to pass the responsibility of the bookstore onto you. It's your project now."

I stopped in my tracks, "What?" The corners of my lips turned up into a smile, and I swore I felt my eyes stinging.

"You deserve this Bianca! You were definitely doing the majority of the work and if anyone should be credited with the opening of this bookstore, it should be you."

I couldn't speak for a while. I was extremely overwhelmed. Being accredited with the opening of the bookstore would be a major stepping stone in my career. I couldn't believe it.

"Thank you so much, Ashely, I really appreciate this."

"No, thank you, Bianca. Thank you for not holding any resentment towards me or my daughter." She stared at me.

I was so overwhelmed and emotional that I wanted to hug her, but to be truthful, I just wanted to go home and celebrate this news.

"Do you want to head back?" I asked her wiping my eyes. I didn't want Charles to think that we had gotten into an argument of some sort.

"Yes definitely." She smiled at me.

We turned around and walked towards Charles and Clara. As I saw Charles in the distance, I imagined how a future with him would be like. How a future would be now that there would be no more drama. And I could definitely see something there.

A future with Charles, oh boy.

Finding Love Again (Sequel to TCP) BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now