Chapter 4a

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In my entire existence, I have never, ever travelled so much in a small matter of days. It did become stressful, arranging for all sixty odd Strigoi and humans to travel. I really do hope my last journey will be back to Siberia, not still on some wild goose chase.
But what was I supposed to do? She just wouldn't make her mind up on where she wanted to stay. Maybe she wanted me to lose her trail, I wasn't sure. If she is, her plan won't work. I won't ever forget her scent, even when centuries pass, and she becomes nothing but a rotted carcass. If I succeed in killing her.
I will have to keep her distracted, when we fight. She is more than capable of taking me down. She won't ever stop fighting, she'd never give up. We had been equals as dhampirs, even as a Strigoi things seemed to change. Not in a good way, which didn't make sense. I was gifted with everything a man could possibly want.
Yet it felt like I had lost something as part of the price. Whatever it is, it put me at a disadvantage even when I was gaining so much. It tipped the scales in the opposite direction. It's why the thought of our last battle put me on edge. It was Rose's fault, and the problem will go away when I kill her. I'm determined and sure to win. The back-up Strigoi were just necessary, Rose had a soft spot for protecting the 'innocent', which the Strigoi will help me use against her.
The large state of Alaska was very misleading. Thick, white snow enshrouded the rocky mountains whilst the clawing summer heat burned through. And it was much warmer in the caves. We had settled here a few hours, the sun soared at it's highest point. Before coming here, I managed to recruit more human spies. There were so many here, who'd willingly obey.
I usually would have threatened them into it, but that wasn't required. Once they realised I wasn't human, they looked up to me as if I were a god. When Rose had left the Royal Court, I had realised her going unnoticed, meant that I needed to change the routines and areas for where the spies went. And since there were more than enough humans at my disposal, they were all in position, everywhere in the whole state. I really mean everywhere. She can't sneak past without being noticed now.
I was sitting by the wall with my bag at hand. I had brought with me every paper document from my estate that I categorised as important. There were a lot, but I knew they'd be of use soon. And I was right. I picked up the sheet and rescanned the details. Looking at this made sense. Naturally, Strigoi would have enough time to do something productive? Considering that we have to stay indoors during the day.
This recent addition stated in front of me, almost overcame the issue of the sun. There were Strigoi, all across the world who had arranged for these tunnels to be built. They were underground, no torture rays of the sun can burn through, and according to the bundles of information in front of me, they led to places we would usually feed at. Such as casinos, or a bar. The owners and any staff were either compelled to allow this to happen and forget, or they willingly consented for these tunnels to lead to their building. They were probably 'promised' to being awakened.
Strigoi were free to come and leave at anytime. The key word being, anytime. I could go to these and feed off a Moroi during the day. That seemed surreal, impossible even. Being able to go anywhere I want during the day . . . that's what any Strigoi would want. There was only one problem, I needed to find this tunnel. A list of 'addresses' came with it, for the main or well used tunnels in most of the states, including this one. But I'm not familiar with the area, not very well anyways.
With the list, there were maps too. Maps of the underground system listed. To think I had been oblivious to the world that lived below my feet, how I lived without that freedom others have had during the day . . . Just when I had thought my new life couldn't get any better, the world continued to surprise me. I rustled through the pile, until I found the one I was looking for: Alaska.
I examined every detail of the map that would complete my paradise, the names appeared vaguely recognisable each time I passed them. Though the routes differed from the the one I would have taken on the surface, without this new profound knowledge. There were entrances, most of them were at caves, judging from the picture. I quickly searched for the cave on the map. Maybe, I didn't need to wait till the night came. Maybe, I could look at it now, if I can find the entrance in this cave . . .
Nope. I wasn't in the right cave. Cave. The word even sounded as barbaric as I felt. Sure the caves weren't caveman-like, they were actually quite modern, but having tasted the sensation of wealth, power and opulence, I longed to return to it. I really wish I was back at my own estate, it really felt like home.


Soft winds breezed past, as I casually strode through the warm night air. I was alone. Shoulder length hair tucked in with an elastic, my leather duster rustled in the wind. I still sensed Rose around, so she wasn't leaving yet. I didn't need to check for myself, I know she's still in town.
I aimlessly continued my journey around, until I found a matching cave. It was tall and slender, making it stand out from the rest, it was identical to the one on the map. Smiling in triumph, I turned around and walked the opposite direction. The night had dawned, the tunnels would be useless now.
I'll definitely use these tunnels. I'm eager to see how effective this tunnel system is. How many other Strigoi knew about this? Not many. None of my Strigoi had mentioned it, and if it had been documented, didn't it make that important? Especially when someone who owned so much power had these in her possession. However important it was, it didn't matter anymore. I am aware of them, that's all there is to it.
I let my thoughts wander as I went to feed. Rose, the only dhampir known to actually stand a chance against me. Our fight will be very soon, I'll make sure of it. Only then can I live like I was truly meant to. Warm blood soothed my pulsing throat. Rose, how does your existence alone intimidate me? Their life force weakened, like a dying flame. Rose, your death is the only thing that can really make me smile again. The dead body thudded as it hit the ground.
I'm going to end you, and make sure you regret ever denying my offer---
The familiar ringing of my phone filled the silence, but invaded the sound of my inner conflict. I picked it up and raised it to my ear, it was an old habit, really. I could have left it on the palm of my hand, and hear every muffled word, thanks to my sensitive hearing. "Yeah?"
"Sir," The human spoke with urgency. "The dhampir, she's leaving again."
"Is she moving now?" I asked without thinking.
"Not yet, but she's putting luggage into a car." He informed. "I can see her from here, she's with her friends. A Moroi and a dhampir . . . no, two Moroi and a dhampir."
Two Moroi. She's endangered the princess, and now she's added another to the party, I thought. Who's the last Moroi? To really put the life of a Dragomir, whatever she's after, it must be really valuable. If it's made Rose forget all her guardian training, and suddenly throw others into danger. I couldn't lose this opportunity, she's distracted. I may never get a better chance again.
"Tell the rest of them to head over to you, and follow her. You can't lose her at all costs!" I firmly ordered. I shut the cell phone off, and pocketed it.
Our fight, so very soon. I've waited so long, and now I can finally end things. Everyday, I get closer to what I've wanted, from the day I realised she can't ever be by my side forever.

Do you like the cover? D3T3RM1N4T10N2001 made it for me. This chapter is dedicated to her. Thank you! It's beautiful 😊😀😁

Do you guys wanna know what Dimitri lost as part of the price of awakening?

The ability to judge his own skill. He wasn't arrogant (dhampir) and kept trying, but he knew how strong he really was. This Dimitri overestimates his skill, so he's more careless. If he loses, he's in a bigger shock.


Dimitri's POV in Spirit Bound Vampire AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now