Darkness surrounding

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We all go and sit down in the corner, on the sofas.

I plonk my bum down and Brian's next to mine, while Zacky, Matt and Johnny argue about who's buying drinks.

'So what do you guys want then?' Johnny asks standing at the table while both Matt and Zack clamber into their seats.

'Black sambuka shots and jack Daniels!' I say quickly without hesitating.

'Wow, someone's eager and knows what they want!' Brain says winking at me.

'Oh, I know what I want and just by luck he's sitting next to me.' I go into kiss him but bite his bottom lip instead.

His hairs stood up on end and he got goose bumps, it sent shivers down my spine knowing I could to do that to a hard core rock legend.

'yeah , I'll have a couple shouts too.' Zacky tells Johnny 'and a couple beers.'

'Just grab a shit load of everything.' Brains laughs as the others giggle along.

'Okay so, sambuka, JD, beer and a shit load of everything?' Johnny repeats back to us, each giving him a nod.

'Sounds good to me,' Matt smiles and with that Johnny walks off to the bar to order.

'So you know what you want 'ay?' Brian whispers in my ear and wrapping his arm round my waist.

Pulling me close to him I feel his breathe on the back of my neck making me tremble in his grasp. I think he could tell as he was smiling do devishly as if he knew I'd melt like butter in his hands to every touch.

'Yes, yes I do.' I whisper back into his ear, biting it slightly.

'You do know how to tease don't you?' He smiles dancing his hands all up my spine and down my thigh.

'Oh syn, I love to tease.' I bite my lip giving him a little wink.

'Syn? You never call me syn.' He looked at me as if I'd just slapped my own mother!

'Yeah but it's hot, you are synyster fucking gates and according to everyone I know you're a sex god. And I know you need your little ego boosts every now and then, because I know it makes you feel good!' I say proudly as I sussed it all out.

He goes straight in and kisses me without a reply, I feel his hands pull even closer then I already was, scratching at my flesh for more. I pull at the collar of his leather jacket he was wearing. Then pull away.

He looks at me confused, my eyes flicker to Johnny coming over then back to him. Brian simply kisses my forehead and straightens the ruffled collar of his jacket. Then looked over to Matt and Zacky to see if they'd noticed.

They were happily talking and instagraming on Zacky's phone over the other side of the sofa. Don't think they even realised Johnny until he was at the foot of the table with two trays as well as a waitress also with two.

'Help yourselves!!!' He says putting the trays on the table then taking the two from the waitress. I noticed he gave her a little wink before she turned and flipped her long golden brown hair.

He sat down at the end next to Zacky. I go in and take a shot in either hand, I down them within seconds then proceed to start my jack Daniels.

'Im starting to think this girls more hardcore then you Gates.' Matt laughs putting his face to his cup that was full to the brim and slurping on it like a 2 year old.

'OH HELL NO!' He yells 'we're gunn have a challenge, we both have to drink the same amount and see who gets smashed first, okay?'

He puts his hand out for me to shake it to conceal the deal.

'And whoever does looses, DEAL!' I say shaking his hand tightly.

'This can go two ways, either really fucking hilarious or me, Matt and Johnny are gunna have to drag you back to the bus.' He laughs lighting a cigarette and offering me one of his Marlboro reds.

'You had the best cigarette known to man in your pocket and didn't think to offer me one?!' Brian laughed ushering the packet to him after I had taken one.

'Okay well I've had two shots, so these are yours synnie.' I giggle passing him two small glasses full of strong smelling black substance.

Johnny laughs so hard and Brian looks at him. Johnny was able to say 'synnie' between the short outbursts of laughter following by tears from laughing so hard.

Me, Matt and Zacky snigger at Johnny and I'd said before Brian's eyes focused on us and we stopped.

He didn't say anything, just necks the two shots I'd given him then slamming the two glasses on the table almost smashing them.

'God they were strong.' Brian says scrunching up his face and shivering.

'Well there's gunna be a lot more .' I say letting out a little evil laugh.

'Fuck, that laugh.' Matts eyes wide open while laughing. 'How synyster.'

'How ironic.' Zacky also sits laughing.

Johnny had calmed himself down now as he silently sipped his drink.

Realising I still had my cigarette I searched myself for a lighter. Then realising I was in a dress that didn't have pockets I gave up. A flickering light suddenly appeared in my view.

I look up to Matt who was offering to light my fag, so I lean forwards and watched the end light up.

I give him a nod to thank him and he gives me a smile revealing his dimples again. I take a couple drags and sit back in my seat feeling relaxed.

We carried on drinking through out the night laughing, telling story's but I couldn't help but notice a guy across the dark room staring at me in the dim candle light. I got up and went to the bar to see if his eyes followed me. I sat on the stool and swivelled myself around to face the waitress that Johnny had seem to take an interest in and ordered a couple drinks telling her to take them over to the tab,e and get to know Johnny. From the corner of my eye I saw him get up and come over to sit next to me.

'Hello.' He says

'Hi?' I say paying for the drinks and taking mine off the tray before she headed to the table the guys sat at.

'I couldn't help but notice you.' He had placed his hand on my thigh and made me feel uncomfortable.

'Ha, thanks.' I say trying laughing trying to ignore where his hand was.

'Would you like a drink?'

'Urm, no thanks I've already got one and a table full over there with my mates.' I tell him turning and looking at the guys then turning to face the bar again.

'Okay, we'll I could take you out sometime then?'

'Im sorry, but I've got a boyfriend.'

'Well he doesn't have to know.'

'No thanks, I should really be getting back to my friends now.' I say attempting to get up. He tightens the grip on my thigh pushing me back into my seat and hurting me a bit.

'Oh come on, sit and chat a little longer, maybe give me a kiss.' He slurred.

I then realised he was drunk. I bit my lip to try not to help at the pain on my thigh.

I squirm in my seat to try and break free from his grip and get away back to the guys. He suddenly grabs hold of my head and forces me to kiss him but I pull back and squealed quietly.


Hope you like this, it's finally starting to get interesting? You will have to wait till tomorrow to see what happened a next my lovelys. Leave a comment, rate and whatever to tell me how you think I'm doing or wether I can improve? <3

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