A light from my st James

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Because I love you lovely lot I decided to carry on for you all <3

I stop falling at hit the bottom, my sight is blurred for a moment and I see a broth light. A shadowy walks towards me, Slowly.

'Jimmy, is that you?' I whisper.

'You've got to wake up Lucie' He tells me, standing over my body.

'Why jimmy, why can't I just come back with you?' I ask.

'Because, you can't stay here roam is coming' Jimmy puts out his hand to help me up quickly.

My white dress that is now stained red because of the cuts and bruises from the fall. I stand up and brush away the hair from my face, I had a large cut on my forehead. Then rub my bump, I know they've gone in there, there's no more kicking... nothing.

'What do you mean he's coming?' I say.

'He's coming, you have to wake up now, or you'll spend the rest of your afterlife running... running from him' He turns me to face him and shakes me by the shoulders.

And at that moment the bright light vanishes along with jimmy. I'm left In the dark... alone.

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