Getting in the spirit

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The next day me and Brian had decided to get the Christmas decorations up as it was a good couple weeks away.

I also had to go and and get my mother and Millie something to send them for Christmas as I wasn't there this year.

It was going to be mine and Brian's first ever Christmas so I wanted to get him something really special. I text Matt and asked if he was free to take me to the mall. I expect Brian didn't exactly want to see Zacky and I could also talk to Matt about going to the doctors.

'Hey baby, did you want some help getting stuff down?' I stood at the bottom of the ladder that lead to the attic.

'Just start taking the boxes downstairs please!' he yelled down.

'Okay' was all I simply bellowed up before taking a couple boxes and heading downstairs.

I tried not to Strain myself because of my accident but I couldn't let it get in the way so I just carried on... that was until I felt a sharp pain in my stomach causing me to drop the boxes. Thank god I was only in the last step of it could of turned out worse.

'Baby are you okay?' Brian's came running down the stairs.

'Yeah I just dropped the box, I'm sorry'

I say picking them all back up.

'Here let me take them'

'Thank you' I smile and follow him into the front room.

'I'm going to grab the other boxes, just get the tree out and set it up please' Brian kisses my forehead and makes his way back upstairs.

Then back down with a load more boxes placing them along side the others and dusting his hands off.

'All done' he smiled.

I was un boxing the tree when his phone went of making me jump a little. I only heard his side of the conversation.


'Yeah, I still need to get that'

'Okay then I'll see you in a bit'

'Bye dude'

By the sounds of it someone was coming over but I wasn't to sure who. so I asked.

'Who was that Bri?' I cross my legs and look up and him.

'Just Zacky, were gunna have a chat and go to the mall. I've got to get some presets'

'Are you and Zacky okay now?' I say giving him a concerned look.

'Don't you worry about us beautiful, we'll sort it' Brian says squaring down I front of me, placing his finger under my chin and gently kissing my lips.

'Okay, I'm glad you're gunna sort it out' I kiss him back.

'Is it alright if I leave you to do the tree and deco, ill only be out for about an hour' he slides his thumb across my cheek.

'Of course, take all the time you need'

A beep came from outside the front.

'Okay, well I've got to go, see you soon' he grabbed his jacket from the sofa and his shoes from the hallway.

Before leaving his stands at the door way looking at me.

'I'll see you later Bri, now hurry Zackys waiting on you' I blow him a kiss and he smiles then turning in his heal and heading out the door.

There was another beep before they pulled out the drive and down the road.

Right, now to get to putting up these decorations, shouldn't take to long.

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