Chapter 16 : Confession and Threat

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Chapter 16 : Confession and Threat


"Aku kisah pasal kau."

The next thing I know, he cupped my face and crashed his lips against mine. My eyes widened in shock. What in world..?

The kiss was in slow pace, but there were so much passion poured in it. Suga put a hand at the back of my head and tilted his head, deepened the kiss. I couldn't help but closed my eyes and responded to the kiss. I put both of my hands on his shoulders and got lost into the kiss.

Fck, kenapa badan aku automatik bagi respon? Macam.. dah lama aku tunggu saat ni.

He pulled away and looked into my eyes, breathed heavily.

"What was that?" soalku perlahan, masih cuba menstabilkan pernafasanku.

"Bella, I like you."

Speechless. Aku hanya memandang Suga dengan mata membulat. Apa dia cakap tadi? Telinga aku tak salah dengar kan?

"Aku.. aku tak reti sangat nak luahkan perasaan, but well, I really like you." Suga smiled sheepishly. Telinganya memerah menandakan dia malu. Suga menundukkan wajahnya, menyorokkan wajah malunya dari pandangan mataku.

My heart flutters in happiness. Suga suka aku? Dia suka aku?

Oh my god, he confessed! He confessed, to ME. Fck, I'm melting inside.

"Do you like me?" soal Suga.

Aku menelan air liur apabila mendengar soalan itu meluncur keluar dari mulutnya. Perutku terasa kecut.

God, I'm not ready to say it.

Tiba-tiba aku teringat sesuatu.


"They're now targetting to kill you."

Aku blank. Nak bunuh aku? Wow, first time aku rasa terancam.

"And Bella?"

Aku memandang appa.

"Bella suka Yoongi ke?" soal appa sambil menjongket kening.

Mataku membulat. Apa? Am I too obvious sampai appa pun perasan?

"No, tak obvious pun. But you're my daughter, of course appa tahu when you're in love." ujar appa lagi.

Love? Such a strong word. I don't think I'm ready to fall in love just yet after everything that happened to me.

"Appa? Itu cuma tiny crush. That's all. I'm not ready yet to be in love." jawabku dengan tenang.

"Alright then. But remember, there's this unspoken rule in business. Do not fall in love with your clients. Lebih-lebih lagi bila kerja macam Bella. Tumpuan Bella akan terganggu. Don't let your guard down, okay?"

**End of Flashback**

Aku hanya memandang Suga. Lama. I gulped.

"Kau tau kan 'action speaks louder than words'?" soalku perlahan, cuba memberi hint bahawa aku tidak mahu menyebut aku suka dia.

"Yeah. Tapi kau dingin sangat, and there are no difference between the way you act around me and BTS." balas Suga dengan jujur.

"As if I let the others kiss me." I mumbled lowly and looked down to my toes, my face burned in embarrassment.

Damn, did I just said that?

Senyap. Aku mula rasa tidak selesa. Apabila aku mendongak, wajah Suga yang turut memerah mengisi pandanganku.

Fck. Why does he more adorable than me? Life is so unfair.

"Hey, boleh aku cakap something?" Aku menunggu jawapannya. Apabila Suga hanya mendiamkan diri, I took that as a yes. "I came here to do my job. And I have to keep it professionally. Sure I like you and all, but if you're thinking to take this into a relationship, better don't, at least not now because it's not the right time. I don't plan to be killed by my own dad any sooner though."

Suga mengukir senyum. "Kau baru je mengaku yang kau suka aku."

Muka aku terus menjadi merah. Did I?

Suga leaned in and smiled. "Well, it's okay, really. I know no one can resist me. I understand."

Aku mengerutkan dahi dan menolak tubuhnya menjauhi diriku. "Don't be so cocky, big boy. Aku cepat ubah fikiran tau."

"Oh yeah?" Suga smirked. Dia mengusap pipiku membuatkan pipiku menjadi semakin merah. "Biar aku bagitahu kau something; you can't get rid of me so easily. Kau buat aku suka dekat kau, jangan ingat boleh terlepas."

"It's not like I have a choice. Aku tak boleh pergi mana-mana selagi mastermind penculikan kau ni kena tangkap, so whether I like it or not, aku terpaksa stay." bidasku.

"Well, tapi kau suka kan?" Suga menjongket kening.

Isn't it obvious?

Aku hanya merenung Suga tanpa bicara. Suga mengukir senyum dan mengusap pipiku semula. Aku memejamkan mata, cuba merasai usapan Suga.

Tiba-tiba telefon bimbitku berdering membuatkan aku membuka mata dan cepat-cepat menjauhkan diri dari Suga. Aku mencapai telefon bimbitku dan membukanya.

Mesej? Aku melihat nombor penghantarnya. What the fck? Mataku terbeliak apabila memandang nombor yang aku kenali itu.

"Uhh, Yoongi, aku pergi luar sekejap." I gave him a sharp nod and quickly went out from the house.

Dengan terketar-ketar, aku membuka pesanan ringkas yang diberikan kepadaku. My jaw dropped, and I think my face paled.

The fcking Black Fight gave me...

Gambar Jimin masuk rumah.

Aku tahu it's nothing, like well it's just a photo of my cousin went into the house. But no, I knew better than that. It was a threat.

Aku cepat-cepat mendail nombor Jimin, tapi masuk ke dalam voicemail. Aku dail lagi, tapi masih panggilanku dihantar ke voicemail.

"You fcker, angkatlah phone! Kau nak buat aku kena heart attack ke ha?" jeritku pada voicemail tersebut sebelum memutuskan talian.

Terdapat satu lagi pesanan ringkas yang dihantar kepadaku dari nombor yang sama. My jaw clenched and I opened it.

It's not the end yet.

My eyes narrowed, and I looked up from my phone. Pemandu sebuah kereta kelabu yang diparkir di hadapan rumah Suga sedang memandangku. Dia memakai pakaian serba hitam dan bercermin mata hitam. Dia tersenyum sinis kepadaku sebelum memandu keretanya meninggalkan aku.

Aku menelan air liur dan memandang semula pesanan ringkas tadi. Kepalaku pula teringat kepada Jimin.

Sure as hell it's not the end yet.


*cries* it took me almost five days to complete this chapter. Tak pernah lama macam ni. Otak Laili memang kosong habis, tak de idea untuk chapter ni. But I tried my best, sorry if it's not interesting.

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