New Story

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Jeslynn Noelle was a mysterious, skillful agent in charge of illegal drug cases. At least.. it was what people thought.

One mistake.. And she got Kim Taehyung to be taken care of.

One mistake.. And her life was on the line.

The assassin fell in love with her.. Was not her mistake, or was it?


Kalau korang baca cerita Laili, tak banyak sweet dan romance. Sure, Laili agak reti tulis, tapi agak awkward nak tulis. Jadi Laili mula beralih kepada genre-genre yang agak mencabar.

Akan slow update jugak, sebab storyline dia Laili belum susun sepenuhnya. Tapi Laili yakin boleh habiskan.. Walaupun ambil masa yang lama. Support me okay!

P/s : tak de la serious sepanjang masa, ada la jugak babak romance antara Jeslynn dan V.

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