Chapter 8: "My Cat Just Locked Me Out Of The Bathroom..."

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On the other side of the country in the city of Pittsburgh, Beau is at home with Spikey, or should I say Olli as a cat? Beau is in a quite spacious kitchen, digging through his cabinets below the countertop. Meanwhile, Spikey is sitting on one of the stools on the other side of the counter, peering over the edge.

"Hmmm...what do cats eat for dinner, what do cats eat for-- Ah-ha!" Beau pops up from behind the countertop with a huge, opened smile; in his hand is a can of tuna. He grabs a plate in his reach, pulls open the can, scoops it on the plate, and slides it onto the floor.

"Here ya go, Spikey!"

Spikey eyes the bowl with an odd look. I am not going to eat on the floor...

Beau stares at Spikey. Then at the bowl. Then back at Spikey. "Aren't you hungry, Spikey?"

He tries to tell him, "I am," but all that comes out is a "miau."

"See, there's food right here..." Beau picks up the plate and plops it in front of the cat. "Cats like tuna, right? Or was that dogs...?"

Spikey stares at the food with an inquiring look. I am afraid to know how long that tuna's been in the around for. He turns his face away from the food.

"Okay, dogs like tuna, not cats!" Beau shakes his pointer finger in the air. "I'll remember that." 

He then goes over to the fridge and opens it up. "Now, what can I have to eat...?" His eyes land on the bags of spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, and cabbage that are on the bottom shelf of the fridge.

"Aw man..." He scoops up the bags and walks over to the counter. "Coach wants me to eat this stuff for a diet--" He drops the bags on the counter's surface, in front of Spikey. "How can you eat this stuff if you're not a rabbit?!"

Spikey eyes the bags of greens with hungry eyes. Salad! I love salads! Yet all that comes out is: "Miau, miau, miau!"

Beau turns to Spikey. "What was that?"

Spikey hops onto the table and neras the bags. He then paws at them, trying to open them up.

"You want this stuff?" Beau holds up a bag of spinach.

Spikey gazes at the bag with awe-filled eyes.

Beau turns to the bag, then back at Spikey. "Alright, if you say so."

And before you knew it, Beau and Spikey are eating together at the countertop: Spikey munching on a salad in a bowl and Beau chewing on dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets.

Once Spikey is done with his salad and is satisfied, he happily licks the fur around his mouth with closed eyes. But yet, there is tomato juice and bits of leafs stuck on his white fur.

"My, I think you need to take a bath!" Beau exclaims as he grabs a napkin and wipes his hands with it. "Let us go!" He gets up and steps over to Spikey with outstretched hands.

Spikey just stared at him, so Beau scoops him up into his arms easily. "Ah, there you go, buddy!"

 He adjusts the big, furry cat in his air. "Now, onward and yond-ward to the bathroom!" 

Making airplane sounds, Beau rushes Spikey out of the kitchen, through the living room, up the stairs to the second floor, down the hallway, and to the right, into the bathroom.

"Waiting room," Beau tells Spikey in a commandeer-like voice as he places him on the closed toilet seat.

Beau then turns the bath on and waits until the bath is filled with warm water. He then grabs Spikey again and hovers him over the tub. "Alright, captain, we're lowerin' him in!"

Spikey begins to be lowered into the tub. The sloshing, clear water slowly nears him as fear rises inside him. Beau Bennett taking me a bath!? No, no, NO!!! 

Immediately, Spikey springs out from his hands, lands on his shoulder, and uses that as a launchpad to make a daring escape.

Beau sharply looks behind his shoulder as he spots Spikey rushing out of the room. "Hey, Spikey! Where ya goin'?" He rushes out of the bathroom and peers down the hallway. He sees the cat flying down the stairs.

"Wait, Spikey! Come back!" He follows him through the hallway and down stairs.

Spikey speeds into the living room then makes a tight turn into the tiny hallway that has the laundry room. He bolts into that room to the left and slides behind the washer machine.

Beau comes sliding into the room, panting. "Spikey!" he calls out. "Spikey, where are you?"

Suddenly, Spikey makes a mad dash out of the laundry room and back into the living room. Beau groans as he lumbers after the cat.

Spikey scurries up the staircase, through the hallways, and back into the bathroom. He pushes the door closed and a locking sound is heard as the door is being locked.

Beau drags himself over to the bathroom door, breathing hard. "Spikey...oh, Spikey... " He grabs the doorknob and attempts to turn it, but it won't budge. "Ugh, Spikey are you in there?"

A "miau" is heard from the bathroom.

"Okay... My cat just locked me out of the bathroom... I'll wait..." He slides down against the wall until he collapses on the carpet flooring. "My legs need oxygen..."

Three hours later...

The bathroom door finally unlocks and the door is ajar. Spikey calmly trots out from the crack. 

He has a white robe draped over his back with its bottom half dragging on the floor. He passes by Beau coolly, not even acknowledging him. But Beau does.

Beau sleepily peers at Spikey as he makes his way out of the hallway. "Oh, where did you find that robe? I thought I lost it."

Spikey halts in his tracks and looks behind him at Beau. It was on the shelf above the toilet. But all that comes out is: "Miau, miau, miau..." He then turns back around and continues on down the stairs.

Finally, Spikey arrives at his bed, which is a typical cat bed, yet right next to the air conditioner in the living room. He cuddles with the robe, all curled up in the round-shaped bed. Then he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep, sleep with a dream that he will soon transform back into Olli Määttä.

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