Chapter 10: "It's Already Bad Enough With His Stuffed Gorillas!"

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In the middle of the night, there is a mad search occurring. It is in the GHP Headquarters, which are located in Ottawa, Ontario.

Inside the headquarters, Antti is furiously typing on his massive computer. The screen of the computer is showing various maps with many dots. Next to Antti is his robot assistant, Ari, the flying iPad that can only communicate in Finnish.

"Missä he voivat olla? Patrick ja Jonathan?" Antti asks Ari, facing it. (Ari, what are the most possible locations Patrick and Jonathan can be in?)

The words in Finnish begin typing out yellow techn-like writing in front of the blue background on Ari's screen: Ne voivat olla missä päin maailmaa tahansa, varsinkin ajattelu yliluonnollisia kannalta. Ne voivat olla Egyptissä kaikille tiedämme. (They can be anywhere in the world, especially thinking in supernatural terms. They can be in Egypt for all we know.)

"Olen erittäin epävarma he Egyptissä..." (I highly doubt they're in Egypt...) Antti turns back and continues typing some more. "Ei Patrick mahdollisesti olla tietoliikennelaitteiden, oikea?" (Does Patrick have an intercom by any chance?) He looks at Ari again.

Korjata. Se sai tuhoutui vuotta sitten, kun EHP ensimmäinen tuli 21. vuosisadalla. (No. It got destroyed years ago in the battle when the EHP first came up in the 21st century.)

Antti groans, slowly shaking his head with narrowed eyes. He looks back at the computer. "Oikea, oikea..." (Right, right...) He then pauses. "How's the search going, boys?" he shouts over his shoulder.

Behind Antti is a long, black table. Surrounding that table is Sidney, Jonathan, and Nathan. Sidney has another iPad, a normal one, gazing at it. The others are huddled around it.

"Did you hear what Antti said?" Sidney asked the iPad.

On the screen is a livestream of Pekka and Jonas trekking in the dead of night in an unknown area.

Pekka faces the screen. "Yeah, we did. But there's no sight of them yet!"

Sidney faces Antti. "They hadn't found Patrick and Tazer yet."

Antti groaned, shaking his head in dismay. He continues searching for them on his computer.

"Wow," Jonathan begins to say to the iPad. "I am surprised that that small security camera has good connection strength."

"Yeah...!" Pekka chuckles. "Tatu may be small, but he's strong!"

Suddenly, the scenery of the iPad tumbles down with a blur of darkness. A loud CRACK! can be heard as the iPad is now showing the dim sidewalk in an odd, low angle.

"Uh-oh," Pekka says from off screen.

The scenery begins to levitate and Pekka's face is shown. "What happened, Tatu?"

Squeaking noises can be heard from Tatu. "Ehhh..."

Pekka snaps his eyes at the camera. "Sorry, guys, but Tatu's battery's running low. We gotta come back now. See ya there." Then the live stream session ends.

"Oh no!" Sidney gasps with huge eyes.

"Nemo, Tatu died," Nathan calls out to Antti.

Antti drums his fingers lightly on the keyboard. "Yes, I heard..." He turns to Ari with heavy eyes.. "Joten mitä meidän pitäisi tehdä? Soita se yö?" (So what should we do? Call it a night?)

Kyllä sinun pitäisi. Se ei ole hyvä työskennellä väsyneenä: virheet ovat alttiimpia tehdään kyseisessä tilassa. (Yes, you should. It is not good to work while you are tired: mistakes are more prone to be made in that state.)

"Hyvä on." (Alright.) Antti spins around in his swivel chair, facing the three. "Okay guys, that's it for the night. We will pick up this search in the morning, nice and refreshed!"

"Good, because it just hit Sid." Jonathan points to Sidney, who now has his face against the surface of the table, showing off his thick, wavy brown hair. His shoulders are rising up and dropping down slowly with soft snores.

"Sleepy, sleepy, bye-bye, Sid?" Nathan cooed, rubbing Sid's back.

"Ah, don't baby him! It's already bad enough with his stuffed gorillas!" Jonathan gets up and easily picks Sidney up, swinging him over his shoulder. "Let's go." He then ambles across the room and exits it.

Nathan gets up. "I'll tell Pekka and Jonas that the search is called off for the night. See you tomorrow."

"Alright, good night, Nathan," Antti replies to him tiredly.

Nathan exits the room as well.

Antti gazes back up at the computer with hopeful eyes. "Don't worry, Patrick and Jonathan, we'll find you guys..."

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