Parents are not home

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You start running home as you're returning from a party. You didn't expect so many people. And didn't know you'd lose so many friends after that. You where crying and heard voices in the distance. It sounded like your so called friends. You hid in someone's backyard. You heard footsteps go past the fence. You waited a good minute or two and climbed over the fence. You where scared and you felt alone. You started to cry more. Covering your face, tears streaming down your cheeks. That's when you hear a chilling voice.
"Your parents must be worried sick..." You quickly turn around to see a dark figure. It seemed your height. "Why so scared doll?" Before you could say anything you ran all the way back to your parents' house. You slammed and locked the door. No one's home. "What the hell?" You think to yourself. "Oh. Yeah. They're out." You slowly drag yourself upstairs. Finally you open your bedroom door and plop onto your bed. You turn over to look at the celling. You slowly close your eyes and everything turns dark. In your dream you're on a couch. It was a red velvet color. You pull your head up. People where scattered everywhere. Talking, drinking and making out. You where at the party. You see your friends walk right past you. You try calling out for them but they don't even look your way. Then you see the same figure. It seemed as if time froze. You look and see it walk closer. It finally reveals it self. It was a black skeleton. It had a black jacket with blue tips and ERROR all over it. You try to scoot back. It smiled with its yellow teeth. You started to pant. "Am I scared? Excited? Nervous?" You thought to yourself. Finally it spoke. "Hello." It said very slowly "My name is-" everything started to fade white. You wake up to hear your annoying ringtone. "HEY! PICK UP THE PHONE!" It said. You chuckled to yourself remembering you and your friends setting that as your ringtone. You rolled over to see it was your dad calling. You pick up. "Hello?" You said sleepily. "Hi sweetie! How's my little monkey!" Your dad said. He started to imitate a monkey sound. You rolled your eyes smiling "Daaaad! You know I'm not a little girl anymore! I'm-" just as you where about to say your age you hear another voice on the phone. "Oh! Is that my little gumdrop?" It was your mom "How's our girl little doing?" She sounded worried "I'm just fine mom." You reply "That's good sweetie! How's your studying?" You remember that's the excuse you made to go to that party. "Oh yeah, it's... fine." Your dad comes back on the phone. "Well those problems won't expand themselves!" You smile to yourself. Your mom comes back on the line "And sweetie, we'll be back by next Friday. You'll be able to take care of yourself won't you?" You roll your eyes again "Yeah I'm able to! Have fun mom and dad!" They hang up. "They seemed really excited for the cruse." You thought to yourself. That's when you hear the same voice from the dream "Yeah little monkey, did you have fun studying at the party?"

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