His. Crush.

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•Chapter 1•

•Jake P.O.V•

I'm reading my book peacefully when Aiden comes I sigh 'Great I'll get bullied again' note the sarcasm

"Hey you little twerp reading again?" He messed up my hair

I rolled my eyes "hey Aiden yeah it's called 'I'm walking away'"

That's not the real name of the book I just don't wanna see his face it makes me want to throw up even though he has a handsome face

I get up but Aiden pushed me to the wall "where do you think your going twerp" right now we're at the library

"I have to go to class I don't wanna be late" I tried going the other way but he blocked me

"Who cares about class?"

"Well I do! Now can you please let me go" I glared at him

He glared at me back, our faces were close, but after a while he quit and his face turned red

What a weirdo...?

I walked out of the library "awe fresh air!" I walked to my math class and sat at my seat next to Edwards

"Hey what's up J.?" That's the Nick name he gave me isn't it adorable

"Nothing Ed. Bumped into Aiden" I rolled my eyes and Edward looked angry

"You OK Ed.?" His eyes soften and He smiled "yeah everything's fine"

~End of math class~

"Come on Ed. Let's go to lunch I'm starving!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the cafeteria

I was still holding his hand but didn't notice, Aiden came over to us

He had anger in his eyes he was looking at my hand I was confused so I looked and me and Edwards hands were intertwined

My face turned red so I let go but Edward grabbed it "what do you want Aiden?"

"Look who we have here two little twerps holding hands how....gaaaay!" He laughed and his friends behind him too

Aiden mouth something to Edward

But I'm not very good at reading lips so i didn't know what he said but it looked like a threat

Edward smirked and dragged me to our lunch table

"What did you bring for lunch today?"

"A peanut and jelly sandwich and pudding"

"Pudding!" I was drooling I absolutely love pudding

"Here want some?"I nodded my head

He grabbed a spoon full and fed it to me I really didn't care if we looked gay doing that it's pudding! Come on now!

"It taste so good!"I saw from the corner of my eye that Aiden was angry.. whats wrong with him?

"You have something in your cheek I'll get it for you" Edward wiped it with his finger and licked his finger

"Your right it does taste good" he winked at me and smiled

Aiden slammed his hand on his table and stomped away..OK he's acting pretty weird today

Well is not my problem..

~End of the day~

"Hey what are you doing after this?"

"I have piano lessons today"

"Oh that's sucks good luck have fun" Edward smiled and waved

I went to the music room I don't have a piano teacher I've been teaching myself since I was little

His. Crush. (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now