His. Cursh.

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(the picture in the media Edward looks like that)
•Chapter 4•

•Aiden's P.O.V•

Me and Jake have been dating a few months now

We've been getting closer and closer getting to know each other better

Hanging out almost everyday after school I just keep falling for him more and more each day

"Hey, Aiden I heard you were dating Jake are you gay man!?" H-how did he know I haven't told anyone and Jake hasn't told anyone either

My mind took control of me "nah I would never date that whimp!" I said with a disgusted face

'no that's not true!'

"Yeah I thought so your better than that" he patted my back

"Yeah sorry I'm not gay I'm straight even if I was I wouldn't date ugly twerps!" We both laughed

'i didn't say that stop it, it's not true! What's happening to me!'

From the corner of my eye I saw Jake walking away tears in his eyes

'wait did he hear me, dammit It if he did I'm dead meat'

I need to go after him!

I ran after Jake, he turned a corner but I lost him

I heard sobs "I'm so stupid I shouldn't have trusted him he was using me all along...I'll always be alone no matter what..."
•Jake P.O.V•

"Hey Aiden I heard your dating Jake, are you gay man!?" I looked back and saw Aiden and his friend

"Nah I would never date that whimp" my heart ache felt like someone squeezed it he had a disgusted face

"Yeah I thought so your better than that" his friend patted his back I felt tears well up my eyes

"Yeah I'm not gay, I'm straight even if I was I wouldn't date ugly twerps!" They laughed I couldn't listen anymore he's a lair

'jake told you, you shouldn't have trusted him' my mind said to me

"Lair, Lair, Lair,..." tears went down my face I turned a corner and went to a empty class room sat on a corner put my face on my knees and just let the tears take over my eyes

"I was so stupid, I shouldn't have trusted him he was using me all along.....I'll always be alone no matter what..."

I hear the door open I looked up to see the face I didn't wanna see

"Jake..." his voice said it soft and lovely I got angry all my anger and sorrow, rose up

"What do you want..." I said a little harsh and cold he flinched and came closer to me

I stood up and backed away "don't come near me!" I particularly yelled

"Jake....I'm sorry....my mind was controlling my Mouth I didn't know what I was saying!"

'Jake he's lying to you don't trust him!' my mind said

"Lair! You used me!" More tears came down my eyes "everyone's a lair, I knew I shouldn't have trusted you" I looked down

"I'll always be alone....."

"Jake that's not true! I'm here for you" he tried touching me but I smacked his hand away

"Don't touch me" I glared at him my meanest glare ever (scarer than Ezra's haha I had to)

I tried walking past him but he grabbed my arm throw me to the floor and got on top of me and pinned my hands to the floor

"Jake listen to me!" I looked away from him my glasses fell off of my face

My blue eyes were exposed

"Jake I'm sorry....I didn't mean that stuff....I dont care if people know were dating.....I just love you please understand, my mind took control of my mouth....Jake please....believe me I need you, I want you, I love you," my eyes soften I looked at Aiden's eyes

His brown glorious eyes and his beautiful lips


•Aiden P.O.V•

Jake looked at me his ocean like blue eyes and face looked so smooth and his lips so kissable

"Please believe me...." we looked at each other

I let go of his hands and they went to his face I grabbed his cheeks with both of my hands

I leaned down and kissed his lips we kiss for like hours I think but it was magical

We separated "can you get off me your so heavy" I rolled my eyes and helped him up

I loved holding his hand it was always smooth and warm, it was my own hand warmers

We stood quiet for a second He looked at me and I looked at him

We came closer and closer

Until I wrapped my hands around his waist and he wrapped his hands around my neck

After a while we couldn't breath so we pulled apart

"I'm sorry" I put my forehead on his, his face turned red it was cute

"I forgive you.." I pecked his lips and he kissed my cheek

He grabbed his glasses I was sad because I wish he didn't wear them but I guess he still wants to hide his true self

But I stand corrected he grabbed them and want to the garbage can and tossed his glasses in there

"Wh-" he cut me off

"I don't need them anymore I learned something today, it doesn't matter what you look like in the outside, it just matters what's inside," he smiled his adorable smile

"Oh almost forgot" he fixed his hair and put it up

"That's better" I had a confused face on

He laughed "I like my hair up when I don't have my glasses on I look hotter right?" He winked at me

I felt heat rise up to my cheeks and smiled "yeah whatever" we both laughed

I went over to him kissed his forehead and intertwined his hand with mine

We walked out the empty quiet class room

Everyone looked at us weird but we both didn't care we were with the ones we loved and that didn't matter

Some girls were eyeing Jake and I glared at them some boys looked at us disgust in there face I mouth to them 'do you have a problem, stop staring' they looked away

I tightened my hold on Jake he looked up at me and gave me a smile it calmed me down

'God He's So Adorable!'

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