His. Crush.

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•Chapter 2•

•Jake P.O.V•

Edwards been acting pretty weird every time we see Aiden he grabs my hand, hugs me, or grabs my face and looks at my eyes for like a good three minutes

Sometimes he gets so close to my face that we can almost kiss but after a while Aiden interrupts us

"Hey what are you doing twerps? Get a room!" My face turns red and I look down Edward puts his arm around me and gets really close to me

"Oh sorry....we'll go some where else then" we turned around and I take a glance at Aiden he has a pissed off look

I hope he doesn't say anything about what happened yesterday if he does i'm dead meat

We end up in a hall way I sigh "whew that was close" I looked at Edward I backed away from him he had a devilish look

"E-Edward you OK?" He comes closer to me I back away again but for my luck I bump Into a wall

He puts his two arms on the wall "E-Ed. Come on snap out of it what's wrong?"

"Jake..." he said it with a husky voice my body shivered

"Ed...?" His face got closer to mine

"Jake......I want you" now I was scared I was scared to death

"Edward were two guys I'm not gay....." Edward grabs my hands pins them to the wall and tights his grip

"Edward y-your hurting me" tears drop down my face he tighten his grip again

I flinch at the pain 'please someone help me....'

"Edward i-it hurts..." but then someone hits Edward in the back of his head and he's knocked out

I grab my wrist "thank yo-" when I look up I see the one and only.....Aiden I still have tears running down my face

"Aiden...?" Aiden's eyes soften

He sees me crying and he rushes to me and embraces me really tight

My heart skipped a beat for a second but I shook my head 'it's just my imagination'

"Did he hurt you?" I nodded my head


"My wrist" we separated from the hug but I felt sad for some reason like i wanted him to embrace me forever

I showed him and they were turning black and purplish

He grabbed them and I flinched from the pain

"S-sorry" I looked down

"I-its fine only hurts a little not that much" he put my wrist towards his lips and kissed then

I felt heat go to my face my heart was beating faster than a cheetah it was going so fast I might faint 'what's wrong with me..?'

"Hey Jake you Ok?" I nodded my head and looked up at him his face was red too


•Aiden P.O.V•

He looked up at me my face was heating up and his was to he looked so cute

We looked at each other for a while just staring at our eyes and lips

His lips looked so kissable they were pinkish and so small and so adorable

I couldn't help myself anymore so I did the impossible I kissed him

His lips felt so good I could feel me and his heart beat his was going fast and my was too

I was surprised that he kissed back I let go of his hand and put my hands around his waist he was tipping toeing because I was taller than him

He put his arms around my neck and we deepened the kiss soon after we ran out of breath so we separated

Our body's were still against each other he was still holding my neck and I was still holding his waist he looked up at me panting

And I was panting too he let go of my neck and pushed me away his face was still red as a tomato

He looked down "Jake....."

He looked up at me "y-yeah?"

"I-I want you.....and I like you no I love you"


"P-please be mine" I finally have the courage to ask him

"Be mine and only mine......be my boyfriend"

He looked at me with his adorable ocean blue eyes

His eyes showed passion, nervousness, and other emotions I couldn't describe

"Y-your don't have to answer me right now but think about it...."

"S-sorry I have piano classes I have to go...." he looked down at Edward but looked away and left

"Piano...lessons" I wanted to hear him play so I followed him

I saw him look at the piano and he took off his glasses and fixed his hair

(Play the video)

He started playing and of course it was beautiful who taught him how to play because they need a reward!

I sat down quietly again and stared at Jake I saw a tear go down his eyes was he crying?

I wonder why?

I closed my eyes and I could feel his emotions pour out of the piano, sadness, depression, lost, lonely, missing, forgotten, betrayed,

They were pouring like a water fall why is his feelings so negative

He finished and tears poured down his eyes like never before I went to him

"Jake...?" He looked up at me I felt a slight pain in my chest I didn't wanna see him cry

"What's wrong?.." He caught me by surprised because He ran to me and hugged me after a while I relaxed

"Jake...you can tell me" he looked at me his blue eyes showing more because he didn't have his glasses his beautiful hair wasnt down but up instead

He smiled "it's nothing" he noticed that he hugged me and pushed me away "i-im sorry!"

He checked his watch "oh almost forgot!" He put on his glasses and fixed his hair down again

Leaving me alone in the music room

'why was he crying?... I wanna know....and where did he go..'

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