His. Crush.

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•Chapter 6•

•Jake P.O.V•

"Papa! Can you read this to me" my little adorable son jumped on my lap

"Sure!" Well if you don't know who I am I'm Jake member the one with the glasses

Who got bullied and was dating Aiden at high school well

I have a family now with the one I truly love and adore

I heard the front door and Tyler ran to the front door "Dad!" He hugged his Dad

"Welcome home honey, how was work?" I got up and hugged him and kissed his cheek

He kissed my forehead "it was OK but I missed you the hole time I was there"

I smiled "yeah I missed you too it was lonely without you"

He hugged me tighter and buried his face in my neck

"I love you so much Jake I'm happy we made a family and got married" I could feel soft kisses from my neck

"I love you too.....Aiden im happy we made a family too I'm the happiest man alive.." He looked at me

He leaned in and I leaned close to his face and we kissed it was a passionate kiss and I loved every second of it

He's the man I love and always will until the day I die I'll still love him when I'm a ghost

•Tyler P.O.V•

I love my parents they took me out from the orphanage and saved me from that hell hole

There loving parents too they love me as much as they love each other

It's been 6 years since i've been with them and i can't ask for nothing more than this loving family

While they were hugging i grabbed the camera and took a picture of them when they heard the snap

They looked at me I smirked "just wanted to take a picture for I can't forget this day" just saying I'm a picture person I love taking pictures

Even though I'm only 9 years old but my parents showed me how to work it and to me it was pretty easy

They're journey is done now it's my time to tell my story about my life and school

My journey will start soon and i can't wait

I call Jake Papa and Aiden dad because then they won't get confused of who I'm talking to

"Come here Tyler" my Papa smiled at me

They were both sitting next to each other and there was a little space for me

I grabbed my camera and went in between them they smiled and I smiled to a wide one and took a picture of me and then

It was a nice picture and I'll treasure it with my life

I'm happy I have a family now!

•and that is it for this story thank you so much for people who have read my books and voted for them I appreciate it a lot and don't worry there will be a book 2 for this book! And it will be about Tyler and his life and what happened before he got adopted

And of course Tyler will be gay but he doesn't know it yet until he reaches middle school and high school

Anyways thanks again cookies for reading my story! Read book 2 don't forget! Byeeeee!

Xoxo Megu-chan•

His. Crush. (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now