His. Crush.

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(the picture in the media is Aiden)
•Chapter 3•

•Jake P.O.V•

I've been thinking about Aiden a lot I can't get him off my mind every time I replay the kiss we had yesterday

My heart won't stop beating a mile a minute

I've been ignoring Edward too I think I need time off of him for now

I'm lonely now Edward was the only friend I had well use to be friends

Alone again....



"Mama! Papa!" Little Jason ran to his be loving parents

"What's up kiddo?" His dad smiled at him and rubbed his hair

"Mama! Papa! Can we pwease take a walk!"

"Sure let's go honey!"

"Yay!" They were taking a nice walk when Jason's dad got shot


"Honey!!" They rushed to his side

"I-its o-ok i-im f-fine" he coughed out blood

"Someone please call an ambulance!!! Please someone!!" Jason's mom yelled louder than she ever yelled before

But the ambulance were late so late they couldn't save him

"Papa.....don't weave me Papa..."little Jason couldn't stop crying for a few days he was all healed up

But he will always remember his father no matter what

Little Jason was walking home "mama I'm home!" But no one answered

"Mama! Are you gonna help me play the piano?" No one still didn't answer

He went to the kitchen and he wished he didn't see what he saw

"Mama....." he fell on his knees he couldn't move he couldn't do anything nothing

"Don't leave me too.....Mama!!!!!"

His mother was on the floor blood all over her she got murdered

"I'm all alone now....Mama,papa they left me alone..." he sobbed while in his room

He stood there for a few months not caring who was knocking on the door or who was calling or texting he didn't care

Until one day this boy came to him "hello.....I'm looking for Jake?"

The boy went to the room knocked but when he heard no one answer he opened it

"Ah...there you are......hi um your Jason right?"

Jason was so miserable...he was so skinny he hadn't ate for 3 weeks I don't know how he could survive

He didn't answer Him

"Well I'm Edward! Nice meeting you.....the teacher in my school want you to join 'Adams academy'"

"The school for smart people?"

Jason spoke finally

"So you do speak....yes the teacher saw your score and your a genius! She would love for you to attend her classes and the school!"

Jason thought for a second"I guess I have no choice"

"I would love to be your friend!" Edward put out his hand

Jason grabbed it 'I'm not alone any more' Jason smiled

Edward was surprised but smiled back

•Memories finished•


•Jake P.O.V•

I start crying "I'm alone now....and always will be..."

•Aidens P.O.V•

"I'm alone...alone forever.." I hear someone say I follow the voice it sounds familiar

When I turn the corner I see....Jake "I'm alone forever and ever" I can hear him and hear sobs coming from him too

"I'm alone again....." 'alone again?' I walked to him

He looked up his eyes so puffy and red "Aiden....?" He said almost like a whisper

"Jake? You OK..." he looked down and played with his fingers

He's nervous it's cute his face is so red

He got up and played with his fingers more

"Jake....what did you mean your all alone"

He stopped playing with his fingers his eyes looked empty

"I don't have no one my dad and mom are gone......Edward was the only friend I had he's gone too...I have no one now"

He does have someone and that's me.....he's not alone!

I grabbed him in my arms he was surprised at first but calmed down

"Your not alone....I'm here you have me...."

"Aiden...." I smiled I love how he says my name so soft and smooth in his voice

"Jake....like I said will you be mine?"

Jake face turned red I can feel his heart beat it was fast

He laid his head on my chest "......" he nodded his head slowly

My inside filled up with happiness I hugged him tighter

"R-really?" He looked up at me

"Y-yeah I like you Aiden....since we kissed" I kissed his cheek his nose his forehead his chin I kissed all around his face!

"I love you so much!" And the last thing I kissed was his lips

He kissed back and hugged each other what like seemed like forever

'he's finally mine!'

His. Crush. (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now