His. Crush.

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•Chapter 5•

•Edwards P.O.V• (I bet you didn't expect this haha)

Dammit I'm such an idiot I couldn't control myself!

It's just I wanted him so bad I liked Jake since I met him and that was 4 years ago

And then Aiden had to come and started liking him to I knew him longer!

Now I have to think of a plan i think I have the perfect plan

"Hey sis can you come over here!" She ran over to me

"Yeah bro what is it?" I smirked

"Can you help me with something"

"Yeah anything for my twin brother"

"I need you for a plan to get Jake and Aiden separated"

Her smile grew she knew I had a crush on Jake and she shipped me and him together

"OK so..." I told her the plan and she nodded her head

I saw Aiden was talking to one of his friend

I had an evil grin

'soon Jake will be mine, once Jake sees a girl clinging and kissing his face all over, Jake will be great broken and that's were I come in and comfort him haha'

My sis did as she was told I saw Jake walking past them and stop he didn't look at them

"Hey sweetie miss me!" She cling on his neck and kissed his cheek

I could see Jake was holding the tears back

"Wh-wh-" my sis cut him off because she pecked his lips

Now I could see Jake was furious and the tears were rolling down his face

Aiden saw him he couldn't speak because my sister covered his mouth

She looked at me and winked 'go get your Lover boy' Aiden saw her mouth to someone he looked at me

I took out my tongue and mouth
'jake will be mine!' I smirked and he glared at me

Jake fast walked and I followed him he went to a empty class room was this class room always here?

"Jake?.." he looked up at me he ran to me and gave me a hug he was still crying

"Edward why does everyone have to leave me first mom, dad, you, and Aiden now"

"Me? I never left you I'll always be with you no matter what...I'm sorry of what happened a few months ago I couldn't control myself.....your...your just adorable"

I grabbed his cheek and made him look into my eyes

"R-really..?" I nodded my head

"Jake I have to tell you something-...."


•Aiden P.O.V•

"Get off of me!" I pushed her away

"Who are you?" She smirked why does she look exactly like Edward except a girl version of him

"I'm Edward's twin sister" wait did she say twin sister!

"Twin sister!?"

"Yep and the plan is going as we planned it" I looked at her confused

"What plan of yours?"

"Oh well we were gonna act like you were cheating on Jake and when he saw it he would be heart broken and think he can't trust you anymore, and cry that's were Edward comes in and comforts him...and that's how Jake will know he can only trust him.....and Fall. In. Love. With. Him."

My heart felt like it dropped no no no he can't dammit I should've seen this coming that little...

I think I know where he is I pushed everyone out of my way and went to the empty room I heard Jake sobbing and Edward talking to him

"Jake I have something to tell you.." he's gonna confess!?

"Jake..." I looked through the door of the window Edward was close to Jake's face

Jake was frozen

He better not kiss him

"Jake...you should only trust me...no one else" he got even closer to his face

And he closed the gap and he kissed him! Now he's getting it!


•Jake P.O.V.•

"Jake.....you should only trust me...no one else" he got so close to my face

Only a few inches away from my lips is he gonna kiss me

He kissed me after a few seconds
It felt wrong

No no he's my best friend I have to push him away

I tried pushing him but he was to strong

"Hmm hmm!" I was struggling

'Someone help me!'

Just when I said that someone busted through the door


"Get. Off. Of. Him.!" He pulled Edward away from me

And Carried me bridal style "so your behind this plan of yours well no one takes whats mine!"

He took me somewhere I don't know where because my eyes were blurry and puffy and red

"It's OK Jake stop crying I'm here" he put me down we was in another empty class room like how many empty classrooms are there!

He sat me on his lap "Jake....I didn't know that girl, it was Edwards twin sister he set that up so he can have you"

But.....But Edward wouldn't do that

"Why.....would he do that....?"

"Because He's in love with you like I am" he kissed my forehead

What was I saying Aiden wouldn't leave me because he loves me right?

I looked up at him, whenever I'm in his arms I feel so warm and so safe

I kissed his cheek, he was surprised at first but smiled

"Jake...your so adorable!" He pinched my cheek

My face turned red and I rolled my eyes "whatever..." but inside I was pretty happy he told me the truth

'i wanna stay with him for the rest of my life'

His. Crush. (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now