Part 1: The Eye of the Void

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Million years ago there was creature flying all over the galaxy, the creatures name was Velkoz.

Million years ago there was creature flying all over the galaxy, the creatures name was Velkoz

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Velkoz fly around the universe, destroying planets and Stars. Velkoz never stop destroying, he make a portal going to earth. He charge his eyes for a lazer in its eyes, then a lazer blast him. Velkoz turn around and so a dragon.

It is the creator of all universe, Aurelion sol,

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It is the creator of all universe, Aurelion sol,

Aurelion: how dare you destroying my creations.

Velkoz: hello brother.

Aurelion: we are not brothers and dont call me brother again.

Velkoz: ok, old friend.

Aurelion: what are you doing here?

Velkoz: you know, destroying planets, stars

They fight then, then Velkoz use lazer to Aurelion and Aurelion blast lazer to him.

Velkoz is more powerful than Aurelion.

Velkoz: beat it, I am more powerful than you.

Aurelion: yes you are, that is why I have three orbs at my side.

The orbs attack Velkoz, He was hit a lot of times. Then Velkoz surrender and Aurelion blast him away.

Velkoz crash at the earth, then Aurelion is coming to Velkoz to finish him, then Velkoz cast a magic barrier which no Magic can pass through it, not even Aurelion and even Velkoz.

Velkoz study earth, he knows if he destroy earth, it explode which can kill him.

Velkoz suddenly burry his self deep in the ground to regenerate his wound for 900 thousand years for all of that damage.

899 years later, the year of nights, a pyramid was built above velkoz spot and will be explored by a brave night, Garen.

899 years later, the year of nights, a pyramid was built above velkoz spot and will be explored by a brave night, Garen

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