Part 10: The Battle of the Eye and the Ashen Lord

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We fight beside Aurelion, the Voids fight with Velkoz. People charge and fight the voids and I join the fight.

Velkoz shoot laser at Aurelion, Aurelion goes down and he throw fire balls at Velkoz. Then Velkoz move back and Aurelion stand and fight again.

We are running out of people then we feel the ground moving.

Garen: is that Alpha Reksai.

Yi: no, it's bigger and Alpha Reksai is just their.

Garen: then what is it.

Something come out from the ground and saw a huge beast. It's familiar from the void.

Jax: is that a void?

Velkoz: no it's not mine.

We saw someone riding on it and it's Pantheon riding the Barron Nasher.

We saw someone riding on it and it's Pantheon riding the Barron Nasher

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Garen: you came.

Pantheon: of course I did, his is my world and I will not die for not doing anything.

Xin: that's nice then fight that eye freak.

Barron attack Velkoz and Aurelion too, it is him vs two.

Velkoz: this is not fare, there is two of you.

Barron spit acid at Velkoz and Aurelion blast Fire at him. He surrender, then shoot laser at the both of them.

And the Voids cover him and Velkoz speak.

Velkoz: you can beat me saw I will shoot laser towards the core to let this planet explode.

Aurelion: that could kill you too.

Velkoz: it takes time to explode, I just can make a portal away from here.

He begins to shoot laser and Aurelion blast all the voids and blast Velkoz and Barron spit acid to Velkoz.

Velkoz stop and give up.

Aurelion: stop it you lose there's nothing you can do now, leave.

Velkoz: not until your dead!!!

Barron spit acid at the eye of Velkoz. And the acid melt him and die.

The Voids fall back and run away we won.

Malphite: is he dead.

Jax: of course you idiot, why do you think he melt.

We won, the Eye of the Void is gone. But Ryze have a strange feeling.

Garen: what is it, what wrong.

Ryze: I don't know it's like his still alive.

Garen: who?

Ryze: Velkoz.

Jax: no his not, look at him he melt to the death, why would he be alive.

Ryze: maybe your right, I'm all ready old so I guess I think something stupid.

I don't know, maybe Ryze is not joking but Velkoz melt, he can't be alive again, he melt and die. I just have to relax and celebrate. Aurelion leave our planet and gave us unlimited food from the tree.

The Liquid body of Velkoz is just there on the ground. I am just in the castle from the window and I am watching Velkoz. Then I saw glowing light at Velkoz and its yellow. It's getting brighter and it float.

I go report at the New king, King Tryndamere.

Garen: your majesty the body of Velkoz, it's glowing

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Garen: your majesty the body of Velkoz, it's glowing.

King: ok then you go check it with my men.

Garen: yes sir.

Xin: Garen, where are you going?

Garen: somethings wrong with the body of Velkoz, we have to check it out.

Xin: ok I'm coming with you.

We go check it and we saw a huge light and we saw Velkoz, alive again. It's different and its yellow. He is back and he look at us.

 He is back and he look at us

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