Part 12: To the Mountains

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Twisted saw a walking scare crow, and its Fiddle sticks.

Fiddle slice his weapon to twisted, Twisted throw a card and hit Fiddle

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Fiddle slice his weapon to twisted, Twisted throw a card and hit Fiddle. Fiddle look to Twisted slowly, and he scream and there are many crows flying around him.

And they go towards Twisted, then he shoot every crow's and I heard crow's so I run towards it and help Twisted.

Garen: what's going on, holy cow what is that thing.

Twisted: not sure but I'm going to bring him down.

The crows are hurting me then I use my ultimate skill. A sword crash in the sky and hits the ground and the crows are gone.

Fiddle: hehehe, until we meet again.

Garen: ok, his gone.

Jax: wow, what happen.

Garen: that doesn't matter, let's keep on moving.

We continue climbing the mountains.

Jax: I'm so tired, we always climb mountains to reach our destination.

Garen: stop complaining and start climbin

Jax: uuhhhh, yes sir.

We finally reach the top and we all made it and we see a house, it must be were Ekko lives. I knock the door then a blade come out at the door.

Xin: wow, I almost got sliced.

Then the door slam me and saw a man walking slowly.

Jax: wow, a Ninja.

It look at me and attack me.

Garen: wow, wait where not here to fight.

Zed: everyone who came here will always challenge me for killing the great teacher.

Garen: wait, wait where looking for someone.

Zed: and who could that be?

Garen: Ekko.

Jax: I know this guy, this is Zed.

Zed: Jax?

Jax: Zed.

Xin: wait, you both knew each other.

Zed: this here was one of my classmate back at the dojo.

Xin: I thought your a bad guy?

Zed: I am, I killed my master.

Everyone: ........

Zed: come on, get inside, your looking for Ekko, his right here.

Garen: yes, let's change the past.

We get in the house and enjoy some tea before we meet Ekko.

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