A story of Riot Games,
League of Legends.
A story when the voids attack the fantasy world when a portal has been open for the void. A brave night Garen will stop this madness to stop the chaos of this world.
This story is by Drianex.
Play league of...
They brought Velkoz and they are talking. I try to escape by wiggling but I can't, I have to wait what's going to happen.
Shaco: here they are, so golds.
Velkoz: I have another piece for you both.
Sion: and what s it?
Velkoz: you join me and turn into one of us.
Shaco: Why would we do that, we need gold so pay up.
Velkoz: what do you want, join us and live or give me the prisoners and no price.
Shaco: but....
Velkoz: die or live.
Shaco walk to us and bring us to Velkoz.
Velkoz: you have made a wise decision.
Then Shaco cut our chains and told us to run. They fight Velkoz. I can't live them so I help.
Jax: what are you doing?! Leave them.
Garen: the man who help me will not be left behind.
Velkoz grab Shaco and Sion by his tentacles. He is going to shoot laser at them to kill them. Then I throw my sword to The eye of Velkoz.
It let go of them and Velkoz float away.
Garen: he can't see know, rite.
Yi: he can't but he will regenerate his eye.
Shaco: Why would you help us.
Garen: you help us.
Fish man: hey you forgot about me, bring me back to the water.
They let go of him and now his free
We continue going up the mountains to save Aurelion. We reach the mountains and there were Spartans guarding.
Spartan: who goes there.
Garen: where here for the Dragon you capture.
Spartan: no Dragon has escape this place, not even that big, not even the monster of the river Barron Nasher. Why are you here anyway?
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Garen: we are here to save....
Ryze: your business for tourist.
Spartan: oh yeah pay up and enjoy.
He let us in there base.
Garen: is this really a museum.
Ryze: no, I just trick him.
Garen: oh, ok.
We look at the sign and we saw the way to Aurelion. We go to Aurelion's cage and as we look. He is very different. His more red than blue.
Xin: Why are you like made of fire.
Aurelion: I change because I need to get use to a hot volcano, I can't change unless I am on the galaxy or another planet.
Garen: ok, how can we get you out.
Destroy that potion hang on the rope, it makes me weak. I destroy it and Aurelion has his power.
He destroy the wall and break free. Then Spartans are on our way, we can't ride to Aurelion because his too hot. He can't help because he will be capture again from the net.
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So we let Aurelion leave and save the world. Spartans surround us and there leader come to meet us. Pantheon, the Dragon Hunter.
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Pantheon: he was the best price we ever capture and you let him go away.
He punch my face.
Garen: look you idiot, this Dragon is going to save the world and defeat Velkoz and you just capture him for money.
Pantheon: yes! Because Velkoz make a deal with me to have money and be alive at the end of the world.
Garen: you don't know he lied.
Pantheon: what do you mean?
Garen: he don't give money, he let you turn into one of them or die.
Pantheon: Why do you know that.
Shaco: he did that to us.
Pantheon: ok.
Then as we look at the window, Velkoz is outside, Pantheon go talk to Aurelion.
We were waiting inside the castle. Then I heard laser and the the castle collapse, we head out and Velkoz attack them, we run away and Velkoz saw us. He chase us so we run.
Sion: ride at my back.
Garen: what?
Sion: ride you idiot.
We ride at Sion's back except for Malphite, he just jump away from here. Sion then run so fast and lost Velkoz, we are safe.
Then we saw Pantheon and his facing at us.
Pantheon: what should I do know, everything is destroyed.
Garen: we fight.
Pantheon: my men is terrified.
Garen: you fight with us.
Pantheon: no, just leave.
Garen: but....
Pantheon: just leave!!
Jax: let's go.
We go walk and we don't know where to go and I heard laser, we run towards the sound and saw Aurelion fighting Velkoz.
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