Chapter 20

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Nayeon Pov

I got better after a week. Real better.



"I'll treat you to lunch." IM said.

"Oh? What's with you?" I chuckled.

"N-nothing. I just want to thank you."

"For what?"

"For.. For uh.. For being my friend."

I really can't help it so i laughed. He's weird.

"Ya, have you eaten something poisonous?"

"Really. If you dont want to, then dont." He said grumpily.

"Ah no no no. I got it. Let's go." I said and grabbed his arms before he could walk away.

He did seem happy when i agreed.

"How about jooheon? Won't you invite him?" I asked.

"I did but he said he has an appointment."

"I see."

We went out of the school and went to the restaurant just a few blocks away.

"Isn't this a little expensive?" I said.

"It's okay." He said.

"Oh? Changkyun?"

A beautiful woman appeared in front of us. She looks rich. How did she know IM? They must be close because she addressed him in a first name basis.

"Aish." IM muttered.

"What? You dont like seeing your noona?" She said then she looked at me. "Are you Changkyun's girl friend? I'm Im Changri, his older sister."

O-older sister?!

"Uh no. I'm his classmate, Song Nayeon. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. It's the first time that Kyun brought a friend in our restaurant. On top of that, a girl."

O-our restaurant?! They own this?!

Wait a minute.

So IM is from a rich family? And this beautiful woman is his noona?

"Noona!" He said.

"What? It's true." His sister said.

"Nayeon, order anything. I said I'll treat you." He said.

"Are you two on a date?"

"N-no. We're just friends." I said.

"I see. Okay. Enjoy your lunch. Nice to meet you again, Nayeon-ssi." She smiled at me.

I smiled back at her and i slightly bowed my head to acknowledge her words.

"Don't mind her." IM said.

"Is.. Is this really your family's business?" I asked.

He cleared his throat.

"I didn't mean to tell you. It just so happened my sister is here. I thought she isn't here so I brought you here. I didn't intend to show off. Okay?"

I laughed.

"I know. I was just asking. I didn't even think about that. But do you hate your noona?"

"No. She's just too nosy. She actually helps me every time i needed help."

"I see. Do the guys on the team know this?"

"No. Only Jooheon knows."

"Waaaah. Since when did the both of you got that close? Waaah i'm jealous."

He looked at me with questions in his eyes. What? Did i say something wrong?

He laughed.

"Ya! Why are you laughing?"

"N-nothing. Let's order. Okay?"

We ate lunch peacefully. When we were about to leave the restaurant, his noona came to us.

"Did you enjoy your food?" She asked.

"Ne. It was delicious." I said.

"Good. You're always welcome here. Got it?" She said looking at me. "And kyun-ah, come home early later. Oppa is back."

"Hyung? I see. Okay i will." He replied. "We're going back to school. Bye."

"Oh kurae. Take care."

We went back to school and attended our afternoon classes. His family must be nice. His noona is very kind too. No wonder he treats me so well.

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