I'm just gonna choose...

150 7 2

If you picked A:
Deciding against wandering at night, you walked back to your car.As you were about to fall asleep,you felt the car jolt.Snapping your eyes open, you looked out the window.The bridge was falling apart.The last thing you remember doing was screaming as the car fell off the bridge and plummeted towards the water below.

If you picked B:
Sighing, you grabbed your sling bag containing your valuables and walked towards the house.As you got closer, you got a better view of the house.It looked more like a dungeon than a house. You changed your mind.Turning back,you started off towards the car.Before you got halfway there, you saw the bridge collapse and the car fall along with it." Nevermind"you squeaked.When you walked back to the house, if you could call it one, and climbed up the steps. You hesitantly reached out a hand and knocked, using the old fashioned knocker. No answer. You tried again. Only silence followed. You contemplated just opening the door or waiting for the sun to rise.

Your choice
A)Wait for day break
B)Open the door

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