More spilled blood

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Thank you @BigBangnumber1 for your follow!

I'm back :) anyway, let's not waste your time! Off to the chapter->

Your POV
Clowns...perfect. You sighed sadly and brushed off the dust and dirt that had covered your clothes during the blast while waiting for the others to get up. Leaning against the wall, you wondered what you would find if you got out. Where would you be? How would you get to a city or a town? At the rate you are losing each other.... you might not even get out, much less survive. You were jolted from your thoughts by a tap on your shoulder. Seungri. That just returned you to your thoughts. You knew they were big stars, huge even. What would happen if they perished in this death trap? "(Y/N)? Hey!" Shaking your head, you looked to see Daesung waving his arm in front of your face, the others staring at you. "We should get going...." He muttered and pointed towards the clown cave. Nodding, you followed the rest towards it. However, a few steps into the cave and a loud beeping noise filled the cave. Not again. You dashed back to the entrance of the cave - once again just in time - before another explosion shook the ground....curiously, the cave never exploded with it, just like the room. "We need to sprint through the cave. Our only hope is that we all get through...alive"

Seo-Jun's POV
After finishing what I had to say, I took a deep breathe and heard the others do the same. Taking that as a confirmation, I ran. Without looking back, all I concentrated on was to get to the other end, to get out alive! My sister and I have to get out, we only have each other left. Beeping and blasts filled the air behind me as I dragged my sister along by the wrist. Pounding of feet echoed around the cave as we ran and ran. Finally, after what seemed like hours of running that could only have been a matter of minutes, we found the opening. Although there were still clowns, they seemed to stop exploding when we reached the clearing. Panting hard, we slowed to a walk as we continued to the fence opposite. Just as I thought everything would finally be alright, the world decided to make my life absolutely horrible.

Seo-Yeon's POV
Barely a foot from the wooden fence, I stepped on a brick that seemed to go down. Before I knew what was happening, I was thrown into the air and a dagger flying at me was the last thing I saw before my whole world went black.

Your POV
Our happiness of finally escaping was crushed as Seo-Yeon  flew into the air and a dagger shot straight into her chest before getting caught by a net. Seo-Jun stared before falling to his knees, breathing out a heavy breath. However, just a before we could go and comfort him, a second net spring out from the ground and trapped us. And worse of all, the unactivated clown bombs, started exploding. Two ideas popped into your mind, however you did not know what to pick.

Your choices
A: try and swing the net over the fence
B:Try and reach the dagger that killed Seo-Yeon

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