What's going on?

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I am so sorry for the late update!! Exams have started and it's gonna continue for like... life. Jk of course it's not. Anyway updates will be slower now until exams are over and I'm free.(not really). Anyway don't let me keep you! Enjoy :)

You cracked your eyes open and sat up from your lying position. "She's awake!Go!""Who are you and WHAT do you want from us?" Some one yelled at you." What do I want? What do YOU want?"You yelled back, trying to back away. "JiYong! It's alright...she's one of us..." The owners of the voices stepped out of the shadows."One of what?" You asked in a shaky voice."Us.The people trapped in this place."You looked around. Nine people surrounded you. Two girls and seven boys."Where are we?""In the middle of nowhere."was your response.

All nine of you spent the next few minutes getting to know each other.Apparently, all of you were trapped here by the same way you were."The bridge rebuilds itself?"you thought out loud."Creepy magic,"the one called Seungri muttered.

By that time, the sun had already come out and the group decided to find a different way out.(The door was locked.Cliche.I know)On the same level, the group found a dining room, a library and a kitchen. In the library, one of the girls, Eun Mi, found a slip of yellowed paper.

 "Kill who?" Daesung whispered

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"Kill who?" Daesung whispered. The moment the slip of paper was placed back onto the shelf, the floor opened up and they all fell into the pit below.

There was another slip of paper and a chest.

There was another slip of paper and a chest

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Inside the chest was a variety of weapons.Daggers, swords, axes and guns.

You couldn't decide between a gun or a dagger.You reached in and picked up the first weapon that your hand touched. It was a

A) Gun
B) Dagger

Don't even ask how Bigbang got to the dungeon house. I'm not creative enough to think of a reason.

Please comment and tell me what you think!

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