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Your POV
The old man's cold, black eyes seemed to stare deep into your soul, before a crooked smile spread across his face, only making the situation creepier. "Who are you and what do you want from us?" Seung hyun yelled. The old man's grin spread a little wider before he replied in a raspy voice, "Entertainment." It took a second for this to click in your mind before Daesung took the words right out of your mouth," you! You are the mad man who trapped us here aren't you? And for entertainment too." The old man laughed and nodded. "Those who manage to get out here alive are worthy to be set free, but I want one more thing to watch before you least some of you might." He chuckled before continuing," See that cave over there? Inside it is a ship that will be set on fire the moment you get in...your mission is to get out and swim through the cold water, cold enough to numb your limbs to the point of you not being able to move them, get to the bank and you'll find a small devise to escape, good luck..." With that, he vanished and you all found yourselves in a small wooden room.

"Come on! We must escape this place!" Young Bae rushed towards the door of the room, just to find it locked. "Guys, I'll need some help!" He muttered as he ran towards the door, trying to force it open. The four other guys then joined him while you searched around the room for a key or something to open the door if using brute strength didn't work. "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" (See what I did there 😏 뱅) They charged at the door three times. Before they could try again, you stopped them. "Wait! I found a pin! I can try and pick the lock" You crouched at the door and fiddled with the lock. Finally, a you heard a soft "click" and turned the handle, opening the door. "Let's get out of here!" Running through the burning ship and dodging falling debris, you made it to the ship deck. "We have to hurry, it looks like the cave is gonna collapse too!" Seungri pointed out the loosening rocks falling into the water. Nodding, you took a deep breath and jumped, immediately wishing that you could return to the dry ship. The cold water conducted your body heat away and you started to chatter. "(Y/N!) get moving, you won't be so cold that way!" Without hesitation, you started moving your slightly numbed limbs, thankful that you had taken swimming classes. The falling rocks seemed to aim for each of you, everyone having a few close calls. The sun outside the cave barely provided any warmth. Only your thoughts kept you going.

After what had seemed like forever, you managed to get to the bank! With some help from Jiyong, who pulled you along with him when he saw you faltering behind. Standing on shaking knees, you followed the others to a small black device with a note on it,

 Standing on shaking knees, you followed the others to a small black device with a note on it,

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"Man this guy is sick." You grumbled. A chorus of agreements followed before six hands touched the devise, sucking you all away from the mysterious place, and setting you free.

Once the world stopped spinning, you opened your eyes to find yourself and the five guys in an alleyway. You touched your shirt to find it strangely dry and turned around to find yourself face to face with the five guys. "Oh my gosh!" You shrieked a little. You laughed to yourself before going around and hugging each of them. "Thanks for helping me back there Jiyong..." you rubbed the back of your neck and smiled at them. You felt a pang of sadness when you thought about the other four who had died going through the horrible place. "We'll meet up again someday right?" You asked hopefully. "Yeah...since we all lost our phones back there, just fine to YG entertainment, tell the security guard your name and that you are looking for us...We'll tell him that we are expecting you." You nodded before waving and walking out and into the busy streets of Seoul. 'YG entertainment? Are they famous?' You asked yourself.

Meanwhile, a certain black eyed old man sat in a room in the dark mansion, grinning his usual creepy smile and wondering out loud ,"who should I watch next? Hahahaha!"

AND DONE! Yes, this is the last chapter of "Stuck with Bigbang" and I really really hope you enjoyed reading this! And thank you to those who have voted! Thank you for waiting for each chapter, and the next book, probably not a bigbang book, will be out sometime next year... If you haven't checked out the other book, Bigbang imagines and scenarios, please check it out and feel free to leave requests there! Once again thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this book :D

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