Now what?

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I am going to die. This had to be during my exams right😞😞😞😞😞.
If this book isn't updated in a month without an explanation, I died. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

JiYong's POV
Great....just great. After fighting a bunch of gross creatures, losing Chul-min and almost losing Seo-Yeon, we got our food, new clothes and two first aid kits. I guess he, the evil douchebag who trapped us here, wants to keep us alive for his own sick amusement. We were back inside the house and wandering along the second floor. "Why don't we just find a room to rest in...." (Y/N) suggested. Everyone agreed immediately, eager to rest after an exhausting day or what ever duration we've been fighting for...our phones have run out of battery and our watches don't work. So far, many rooms have either been too broken down to use or locked. Dragging our aching feet, we managed to find a suitable room. The room was dusty, as expected, the curtains were moth eaten and the bed was creaky. However, it had to do..... After changing and bandaging up wounds, we sat down on the carpeted floor, eating some of the given food, which consisted of a loaf of bread, bottles of water, a few cans of sardines and some biscuits. After the small meal, we lay down and slept.....

Daesung's POV
I groaned softly as I stretched, careful not to wake the others. I had no idea what time it was or how long we had been sleeping. I glanced around and saw Youngbae hyung starting to stir. Before long, everyone else had woken up. First things first, we had to ration our food. After we ate our breakfast, we only had about 14 pieces of bread, 10 bottles of water, the 18 biscuit packs and 5 cans of sardines left. We did not know when we would be able to get out of this place, if we can ever make it out anyway...

Your POV
'This sucks.' You definitely spoke, or thought, for everyone when you groaned that in your mind. "Alright," you looked up at a tired Seo-Yeon," now what...." "We could continue walking..." " or we could rest here for a little while more." You sighed and zoned out, rubbing your face. "(Y/N)?" Seungri poked your arm. "Wha....what?" "It's up to you now, do we leave the room or rest?" Silence filled the room and eight pairs of eyes fixed on to you. You exhaled and just went with your first thought......

A)Stay in the room
B)Leave the room

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